What Paul Atreides Actually Become In Dune Messiah - Dune Timeline Explained

  • Опубликовано: 7 мар 2025

Комментарии • 232

  • @ne0nmancer
    @ne0nmancer 10 месяцев назад +608

    In the books, the choice of the name "Muad'Dib" is also an ironic twist, as Paul had seen in the tent that in the future his Fremen legions would call him Muad'Dib.
    When Stilgar asks him to choose his name, he tries to avoid calling himself Muad'Dib to try and move off the path of the Jihad, so he choses the name of an innocent, cute looking desert mouse, but he didn't know the Fremen called that mouse... Muad'Dib. As a compromise, he then choses to call himself Paul Muad'Dib to try to avoid that future, but it doesnt matter, because in the end the Fremen end up calling him Muad'Dib.
    It's one of those things you don't realize in a first read, but it's probably Frank Herbert's way of making you question whether or not Paul is really in control or if he's just moving towards the future he already saw anyway.

    • @aliyaRatita
      @aliyaRatita 10 месяцев назад

      "ok, then I'm going to call myself Paul muad'dib because it's a totally different name from what I saw in my visions, I'm fine" 😹😹😹😹 THIS MF DUMB ASF 🤦🏽‍♀️

    • @aliyaRatita
      @aliyaRatita 10 месяцев назад

      "ok, then I'm going to call myself Paul muad'dib because it's a totally different name from what I saw in my visions, I'm fine" 😹😹😹🤣 THIS MF IS DUMB ASF DUDE... 🤦🏽‍♀️

    • @khanch.6807
      @khanch.6807 9 месяцев назад +33

      He could see valleys and mountains in his foresight. The mountains represented certainty of things that will happen and the valleys were uncertainty where his Prescience could not see. I think he was seeing probability curves of infinitely many possibilities. Paul could not raise those valleys or sink those mountains. Leto could.

    • @nickcarroll8565
      @nickcarroll8565 8 месяцев назад +6

      @@khanch.6807I think it’s better to think of Paul as a proto kwisatz haderach and Leto II as the real deal.

    • @cooki3th1ef
      @cooki3th1ef 3 месяца назад +2

      @@nickcarroll8565paul was born one generation too early for the breeding program as well - children of dune very much outright states that leto is the kwisatz haderach, especially during that final debate with the preacher

  • @hashbrown9541
    @hashbrown9541 10 месяцев назад +143

    Ain't no way a video this well put together is a first video, and it'll just keep getting better?? Please keep going bro, rooting for you!

    • @nathanyalcatron936
      @nathanyalcatron936 10 месяцев назад


    • @Goatchees3
      @Goatchees3 10 месяцев назад +15

      He steals almost the entire video word for word from Alt Shift X's video.

  • @fortelewisandrew2426
    @fortelewisandrew2426 10 месяцев назад +88

    I love stories were the characters are neither good or bad but somewhat ambiguous this gives them layers, complexities, and nuances we as the viewer can relate to.

  • @marksesi3097
    @marksesi3097 10 месяцев назад +359

    Dude if this is your first video you have to keep going it would be a tragedy if you stopped I wager if you keep going you’ll be up there with dune RUclipsrs like Quinn’s ideas keep going you are doing great and will only get better with time this video is incredibly detailed and I hope to see more to come good luck

    • @frekiodinswulf504
      @frekiodinswulf504 10 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@kakophonien6514leave Roy's mom alone!

    • @marksesi3097
      @marksesi3097 10 месяцев назад

      @@frekiodinswulf504 🤣😆😂

    • @JPayne95
      @JPayne95 10 месяцев назад +13

      This is all stolen from alt shift x

    • @saintkatana
      @saintkatana 10 месяцев назад +7

      this is a stolen vid

    • @MoonDragon_ShanayaShruti
      @MoonDragon_ShanayaShruti 10 месяцев назад

      So cute 😮😅nice

  • @NN-oz6rr
    @NN-oz6rr 2 месяца назад +10

    Not every story needs a hero. Paul Atreides is simply the protagonist.

  • @taralalram
    @taralalram 10 месяцев назад +38

    Great concise description of events, well put together 👍🏽

  • @turbozoid3695
    @turbozoid3695 10 месяцев назад +145

    praying this hits the algorithm

  • @BiloxiRED
    @BiloxiRED 10 месяцев назад +17

    Really liked your video. Great job explaining the storyline and the video was visually interesting.

  • @itallovidal9383
    @itallovidal9383 10 месяцев назад +18

    Awesome video, keep the excelent work, waiting for the next video already

  • @thearmchairjournalist566
    @thearmchairjournalist566 4 месяца назад +4

    This is the best video that is basically a doco on the Dune storyline!! I haven’t seen a better video anywhere and your work is brilliant! You obviously know the complete story and have explained it perfectly 👌

  • @Kira_4320
    @Kira_4320 10 месяцев назад +16

    You're so underrated man, Amazing video!

  • @gluurbburger
    @gluurbburger 10 месяцев назад +13

    Amazing video. Really looking forward to your future videos.

  • @rcciit9226
    @rcciit9226 16 дней назад

    amazing bro, i come to your channel directly after watching dune

  • @nickytiles88
    @nickytiles88 3 месяца назад +1

    The way that you do storytelling is beyond amazing

  • @taylorbeckett9686
    @taylorbeckett9686 6 месяцев назад +11

    I wonder how they'll change Dune 3 cause this shit is wild

  • @NoidVoid88
    @NoidVoid88 9 месяцев назад +13

    “He’ll be a male Reverend Mother” A Reverend Father perhaps?

  • @shaggymofo7716
    @shaggymofo7716 9 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks for this video! There’s was a video like this but it was so long that I couldn’t completed this but this right in my alley! Thank you, prob the best explanation and incite of understanding dune!

  • @SAArcher
    @SAArcher 10 месяцев назад +3

    crazy how good your first video looks! Keep it up!

  • @MrLimo217
    @MrLimo217 10 месяцев назад +12

    Super interesting, I’ve never really known of the Dune books or movies. I didn’t love part 1 but after part 2 I’ve gone down the rabbit hole that is Dune lore- fascinating universe. Great video 👍👍

    • @robwebnoid5763
      @robwebnoid5763 10 месяцев назад +4

      You should look through the content at the youtube channel "Quinn's Ideas" for his Dune stuff, which he has a lot of. I recommend watching his videos such as The Ultimate Guide to Dune, as well as the Dune Timeline stuff. The Dune story spans over 30 millennia. I have only read the first book, back in 1982 as a kid, of which these past film adaptations (1984, 2000, 2021) have only gone through. We can all thank Frank for visiting the sand dune beaches of Oregon, or else the Dune story would have never happened. That also includes Star Wars.

    • @MrLimo217
      @MrLimo217 10 месяцев назад

      @@robwebnoid5763 appreciate the comment, thanks for the recommendations 👍👍

    • @robwebnoid5763
      @robwebnoid5763 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@MrLimo217 ... No problem, have a nice deep dive. Here are some stuff you might like to know about the adaptations/movies ... My favorite adaptation is still the David Lynch 1984 version. The 2012 Spicediver fan-made cut has edited the Lynch version a bit closer to the book & someone else then upscaled it to 4K, because Lynch's version has only been at DVD & TV video resolution for decades beforehand. For most fans of the book, both the Harrison 2000 & 2003 television miniseries (for Dune & Dune Messiah/Children) are still the most accurate storywise, even though the Harrison versions had less budget & thus cheaper-looking. I watched them only once back then. Villeneuve's version is somewhat up there as well, with its advantage as having more updated eye candy, but still not quite as story-accurate as Harrison's. And the weirdest adaptation would have been Jodorowsky's Dune movie in the 1970's if it had not been canned/cancelled. That one would have been 10 hours long.

    • @MrLimo217
      @MrLimo217 10 месяцев назад

      @@robwebnoid5763 interesting, so what do you think of the recent movies both in comparison to those but on their own/ own interpretation-adaptation of the books?
      From the little I know, sounds like these recent ones took a few liberties on the films, to fans dismay/ not necessarily praise - contentment in some that its an interesting take (such as time skip to where Paul’s sister is older,etc)

    • @robwebnoid5763
      @robwebnoid5763 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@MrLimo217 ... Well perhaps it may shock you that I have not seen Part 1. I have only seen Part 2 fully & that was because I went to the theater to see it with someone else & they were paying my ticket. I had seen just enough clips on youtube of part 1 that it was not really necessary for me to watch it in its entirety . The big reason for that is that I already know the book general plot/story & had already watched the Lynch & Harrison versions so there was not much curiosity on my part to see it. Maybe one day. However, I would say that the Villeneuve version has its own merits. It is probably close to the book, but since I have not read the book since 1982, I won't able to compare & judge it fairly. The 2021 version has its own criticisms, such as the wokeness. For me, there were some minor details that I felt were lackluster. This includes the sandworm's mouth, the black & white matting/monochromaticism, & the desert looked bland. For me, the definitive sandworm mouth is the one from Lynch & that is because it hails back to the depiction of the sandworms from book covers in the 1960's & 70's, especially as depicted by artist John Schoenherr (died 2010). The 2021 sandworm mouth is pretty different & perhaps stands on its own interpretation. As far as the desert, the original book depiction & description of the desert should be closer to orange-colored, or "orangey". I really never saw that in the 2021 version. This orangeness is because of the spice melange. If you have paprika in your kitchen, that is the basic color of this desert spice, which is actually just sandworm poop, heh. The original book covers show that orangeness. And not just the color of the sand but also the sky. It should be saturated & chokingly reddish orange, especially in the sand storms of the deep desert. Thus in the 2021 version, the sand color is basically just a lot of tan, not orange. I'm sure there may have been some places that might have been orange, but it was not memorable. Tan is the color of Earthly deserts, so it feels as though I was not on some exotic off-world location. If you watch the Lynch version, you will see more orangey desert. They made sure it was orange by using camera color filters to create that depiction. Whatever the case, the Villeneuve 2021 version is still quite good, it stands on its own & has the aforementioned modern updated eye candy. For example, the ornithopter models are good. It is perhaps closer to the book but has its own list of aforementioned artistic liberties/licenses. Yes, the "time skip", or "dream" of Paul's sister Alia did somewhat disappoint fans. In the book & the previous adaptations, it was Alia that killed the Baron, not Paul. I can keep writing more, but I will stop here as this is getting longer, heh. But let's not forget that this is not the end of the adaptations. There will no doubt be more adaptations in the future, decades from now, & decades in between them. I am thinking there will be at LEAST one more adaptation within the next one hundred years, if not 2 adaptations in the same amount of time.

  • @joeyperrier6426
    @joeyperrier6426 10 месяцев назад +4

    I clicked on this video watched it entirely thinking this was a well seasoned loretuber. If this is your first video keep going! You’ll go far.

  • @mikaelamonsterland
    @mikaelamonsterland 7 месяцев назад +2

    people really need to learn what words mean, protagonist and antagonist don't mean good guy and bad guy they mean the character the story focuses on and the character who opposes the idea of them

  • @SlicerJen
    @SlicerJen 3 дня назад

    Alia went insane because she had a dead Baron Vladimir whispering in her ear most of her life.

  • @jonathanlewis4151
    @jonathanlewis4151 3 месяца назад

    Loved the video mate thanks

  • @Drazakhan_Dynasty
    @Drazakhan_Dynasty 10 месяцев назад +2

    I would LOVE to see your video on the later books. Especially heretics and chapter house, which are actually my favourite.
    People think that it ended on a cliffhanger and we'll never know where frank planned on taking it, but honestly, I think he wrapped it up very well in chapterhouse dune. It's a sudden ending, the characters clearly have more stories of their own in the future, and there is a hopeful vibe. It's like the turbulence of the path Paul and Leto II set humanity on has passed and now we are equipped to evolve, become even more powerful, and actually progress the species.

  • @dilligaf-m8565
    @dilligaf-m8565 10 месяцев назад +5

    fun fact: Muad'dib is an arabic word that means a guide or a teacher that shows dicipline, but it also is close to the word Muaad'dib which means a torturer or one that brings pain (the second a is read like a harsh "throaty" R in arabic)

  • @dengomat
    @dengomat 9 месяцев назад +18

    well, this is kind of copied word for word from alt+shift+X.. good vid though

    • @shaggymofo7716
      @shaggymofo7716 9 месяцев назад +2

      Tbh I would rather want a shorter video cus his video take to Damn long

  • @purpleheart3431
    @purpleheart3431 10 месяцев назад +3

    Finding this masterpiece was prophesied indeed❤ Amazing breakdown!

  • @Jack_Jack_907
    @Jack_Jack_907 4 месяца назад +1

    Easiest Sub of my life. Great job bro!

  • @snqtch
    @snqtch 3 месяца назад

    Really good video thanks!

  • @kingofwhispers
    @kingofwhispers 10 месяцев назад +2

    I'm surprised you haven't hit a thousand followers, just keep the pace and you'd be on the summit soon

  • @trumanshow162
    @trumanshow162 10 месяцев назад +17

    F. Herbert wrote the fascinating & speculative “Dune” with ingenious settings like some tech limitations.
    On the other, he also knew such limitations block civilizational development, ending the story as a tragedy.
    I hope D. Villeneuve solves the dilemma with a humane & hopeful movie adaptation in the 21st century,
    for we are now getting the ability like Paul’s genetic memory or prescience with the internet or AI.

    • @Emanon...
      @Emanon... 10 месяцев назад +6

      No way. The Dune saga are tragedies that the very end are hopeful.
      We do absolutely NOT have anything resembling genetic memory or prescience just because we have a few tech trinkets, my guy.

    • @nickcarroll8565
      @nickcarroll8565 8 месяцев назад

      @@Emanon...not even close

  • @NashiHeartSoulSpirit
    @NashiHeartSoulSpirit 10 месяцев назад +5

    Power doesn’t corrupt, it enables.
    Hero or not, Paul is one of the better characters in the Dune series.

  • @laurentfranco8075
    @laurentfranco8075 6 месяцев назад +2

    There's a little plothole in Dune that always bothered me a little bit. Why wasn't there a reaction from the Landsraad and the other Great Houses after the Harkonnen attack on the Atreides? I mean they must've sensed that there was something off about that. Duke Leto Atreides was a popular member of the Landsraad and he must've had allies and sympathisers among some of the other Great Houses. It's usually not the behavior of political factions to ignore it when one of their allies gets wiped out. You could always be the next one. Why would the Great Houses (friend or foe of the Atreides) just accept that the Harkonnens would reposses Arrakis and the spice trade by force? Common sense dictates that they would appeal to the Emperor. And it would become very clear soon if he had anything to do with it. The conspiracy that Shaddam forged with the Harkonnens to rid himself of the Atreides never seemed quite waterproof to me. This only workes in the story because he expects that their won't be a single Atreides left alive to tell the tale, that not a single one of the other Great Houses will react to the attack on the Atreides and finally that the Harkonnens will keep their side and secret of the Bargain. Why would he run such a risk by leaving the Baron alive with the information that he is implicated in the downfall of House Atreides? Shaddam should've immediately staged a surprise attack on the Harkonnens afterwards and kill them all. That way he would've rid himself of the Atreides and the Harkonnens thus securing hus throne and taking control of the spice trade. But then again that is a course of action which would have never escaped the intelligent insight of the Baron.

  • @Enderman121_
    @Enderman121_ 10 месяцев назад +54

    The script is strangely similar to alt shift xs video on dune like word for word almost

    • @RoyAllLore
      @RoyAllLore  10 месяцев назад +38

      Bro he was the biggest inspiration for me to make this video (you could tell by thumbnail) 😭 I legit decided to do a video after watching his The Real Dune video and maybe that’s why it might sound similar, especially during the Benne Gesserit testing Paul part since I liked the style of writing that he had used, but this video is only about Paul and not about Dune in general and covers not only first movie but the second one and the Dune Messiah as well…

    • @DereliqueMahBAWLS
      @DereliqueMahBAWLS 10 месяцев назад +28

      @@RoyAllLore you call him an inspiration, which is fine but it’s painfully obvious that you copied and pasted his narrative, shortened it and changed a few things here and there.
      I’ve seen that video too and went back to watch it after reading this comment. You basically copied his homework

    • @theBG2016
      @theBG2016 10 месяцев назад +10

      both are abridged retellings of the story i think they r both copies of frank herbert

    • @SalemDirham
      @SalemDirham 10 месяцев назад +5

      Why comparing , enjoy both.​@@DereliqueMahBAWLS

    • @DereliqueMahBAWLS
      @DereliqueMahBAWLS 10 месяцев назад +14

      @@SalemDirham you missed the point entirely. His video is near identical. Same words and summary. That’s plagiarism. If he was to write a book and it was almost word for word of someone else’s book would you still be telling me the same thing?
      If you say yes, then you are obviously the type of person who would do this

  • @stevebuscemi5544
    @stevebuscemi5544 10 месяцев назад +1

    Great stuff, looking forward to future videos!

  • @Tavi78
    @Tavi78 10 месяцев назад +4

    this is a fantastic video

  • @Trevor_Bolin
    @Trevor_Bolin 21 день назад

    This is a good video

  • @cha0tr0pic
    @cha0tr0pic 6 месяцев назад

    Amazing breakdown... beautifully written & the best thing I've heard on the subject! I love the way Frank Herbert explores gender in the story & wish it was more discussed, as it's one of the most distinctive & fascinating aspects of the 'Dune' series...

  • @jamesvan2201
    @jamesvan2201 10 месяцев назад +8

    I would just like to say that Paul had little love for the benejezzerits. In the new movies, it portrays this a little, but back in the 90s, they made a trilogy on TV and in that version, Paul had more anger towards his mother for what she was. He still loved her, but this new movie doesn't quite hit the mark on how much Paul hated and distrusted them. Paul was also more hesitant to take the mantle of Mau'di. He was practically forced into it, but the new movies tend to make it seem like he started to believe it himself and was more willing to take the role.

    • @stephengrant4841
      @stephengrant4841 10 месяцев назад +4

      I feel like Dune Part Two made it clear enough that he was hesitant to make himself the Lisan al Gaib, with him not wanting to go south and only doing it after the Sietches of the North were attacked. It does become murky after he takes the Water of Life and has that scene where he wins over all the Fremen, though. Part of that is because Dune Part Two seems to abandon the idea that the Lsian al Gaib and Kwisatz Haderach are two different things, and tries to make them synonymous.

    • @techtime2922
      @techtime2922 Месяц назад

      Miniseries was from 2000 called Dune and 2003 called Children of Dune. Not in the 1990’s. Both had 3 episodes apparently. I never even saw them and found this out…

    • @techtime2922
      @techtime2922 Месяц назад

      @@stephengrant4841bro let me tell you, for somebody coming into Dune new, after watching the first movie, I had to do tons of deep dives to even halfway understand Dune 2 and Dune:Prophecy, lmfao 😂😂. Most confusing movie/show I’ve ever seen. I had never even heard of Dune until the 2021 movie came out. And it did an absolutely horrible job of explaining, like, literally anything. We didn’t even know computers were banned after watching the first movie, lol. They only even mention it in Dune: Prophecy from what I remember, but not 2021 or 2024 movie. It seemed marketed to a general audience, but it was absolutely made for fans of Dune. Trust me, you can’t just watch Dune and Dune 2 and have ANY idea what is going on.

  • @milanjazbincsek155
    @milanjazbincsek155 2 дня назад

    I still do not understand why Paul let himself be killed by Alia's men. He could have helped Leto to build his empire...

  • @aeronwolfe7072
    @aeronwolfe7072 4 месяца назад +2

    weird. the Paul Atreides at 3:05 looks like some kinda weird hybrid between Kyle MacLachlan and Timothee Chalamet

  • @ADPeguero
    @ADPeguero 10 месяцев назад +2

    And this is your first video? I hope to return in a couple of months and find you surpassing 1k subscribers. This is really good work. I wish you the best of luck and much success in this venture.

    • @ADPeguero
      @ADPeguero 7 месяцев назад

      About 2 months later and he's past 2.2k subs. Way to go man!

  • @StevenSiew2
    @StevenSiew2 3 месяца назад

    You have to explain that the "shield wall" is not a wall of Force FIELD but basically a mountain range.

  • @asmkalrizion7078
    @asmkalrizion7078 2 месяца назад +1

    I'm curious how they will continue the series, cuz this all sounds years into the future and spread across a wide timeline, so idk if they could do a Dune 3 unless they do some wacky plot play

  • @deceiver444
    @deceiver444 9 месяцев назад

    This is the very best summary of the first two books I've had the chance to hear

  • @Nabathest
    @Nabathest 10 месяцев назад +16

    Stumbled upon a gem

    @ANDROIDREVEL 10 месяцев назад +2

    This video was so good please make more, this is an instant subscribe

  • @Lorfax-8
    @Lorfax-8 8 месяцев назад +21

    So you can copy the entire Dune Wiki script about Paul Atreides and get 130k views on RUclips with everyone praising in the comments like this is the best video ever made? ok...

    • @abdokamal6293
      @abdokamal6293 5 месяцев назад +1

      Why are u sad tho .. bro did good for those who didn't know about the wiki

    • @LuKaZz420
      @LuKaZz420 5 месяцев назад +3

      Take a topic, use an AI tool and do the same.

    • @ZENAphelion
      @ZENAphelion 3 месяца назад +1

      Cope and cry harder loser

    • @walterfortin
      @walterfortin 3 месяца назад +2

      Jealous bro ???

  • @MrRamen211
    @MrRamen211 7 месяцев назад

    I’ll take more of this lore please. Annnnnnd go!

  • @mar4imarko
    @mar4imarko 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for this video!

  • @karlmueller1980
    @karlmueller1980 4 месяца назад

    Where I look at it is I see Paul as a main character he’s the first main character. And then his son is the second main character. But then I also see this as Dune has a lot of main characters. There are many main characters in different ages as I would call it

  • @Sigma1976-KD
    @Sigma1976-KD 10 месяцев назад +1

    Incredible video thank you

  • @dragonhawkeclouse2264
    @dragonhawkeclouse2264 10 месяцев назад +4

    I would say DUNCAN is the main character, as he is the only constant character throughout all 6 books

  • @jonathanhars7067
    @jonathanhars7067 9 месяцев назад +23

    Comon man there is litteral part of your video taken from a alt’s video :(

    • @damian4727
      @damian4727 8 месяцев назад

      What do you mean??

  • @jeremylaflamme3954
    @jeremylaflamme3954 10 месяцев назад +4

    Amazing video, thanks

  • @HeliRy
    @HeliRy Месяц назад

    I love his arc, because it’s so contrary to most messiah tales. In almost all of them, the character begrudgingly accepts their fate. But nope, not Paul. And while we could argue in circles that it was never his fate to be had, he still chose not to have it. And he still chose to pass this terrible fate… to his son.
    He’s not a hero, nor is he a villain. But he is most certainly an asshole.

  • @FictionandBS
    @FictionandBS 9 месяцев назад

    If this is really your first video, helluva job. Keep it up! I just finished reading messiah and have to read children. I’ll watch your next video after that

  • @drazirac117
    @drazirac117 2 месяца назад

    Halo has been ... something else the past decade that its surely killed off my hype for it to the point of selling half my halo collection w no regrets.
    Ill keep an eye&ear out for it. Jzt to see how its going & decided whether or not its worth stepping back in without having one foot out the door.

  • @iMG_Stories
    @iMG_Stories 9 месяцев назад +1

    I cant wait for Dune Messiah to come out in Film.

    @ARNOLDKUDAKWASHEMPUNGU 10 месяцев назад

    this was an awesome video the visuals and narration was so enticing it was like watching a documentary

  • @Shamino1
    @Shamino1 10 месяцев назад +58

    Obtain originality and don't lift entire pages of script off of others and I'd be willing to listen to more of your work. But brother, AI generated art and script-lifting off of larger youtube pages is not the way to go. Trust me.

    • @mrfriendlolo4971
      @mrfriendlolo4971 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @ridemshun3969
      @ridemshun3969 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @Pofungo
      @Pofungo 8 месяцев назад +2

      Bro you don’t pay him for his videos, why does he have to meet you ridiculous standard that you could never achieve if you started a RUclips channel? It would probably be boring. I’d watch one video and comment all my critiques. 🤓

    • @stevensmith1031
      @stevensmith1031 7 месяцев назад +1

      Too late, he has all the bot commenters out

    • @puddlebee
      @puddlebee 6 месяцев назад

      keep yapping.

  • @vonikaball1987
    @vonikaball1987 27 дней назад

    I want to get the books now I just watch the movies on Netflix really good first time watching 😊

  • @ASB1401
    @ASB1401 2 месяца назад

    Basically... we go home after a movie... I think...

  • @steinvonsteinberg3589
    @steinvonsteinberg3589 10 месяцев назад +1

    Im not sure which came first but if you would read the ‚Nathaniel‘s nutmegs‘ it was also a search for spices . That’s how Dutch east india trading company swapped manhattan for a little island known for its spices. I kept thinking how Mr. Herbert got his idea for the spice concept

    • @Gelatinocyte2
      @Gelatinocyte2 10 месяцев назад +2

      Back then, the word "spice" was a generic term for any resource that is lucrative or economically powerful/strategic. Today's "spices" are: crude oil, lithium, and cobalt.

  • @jw5471
    @jw5471 4 месяца назад

    Isn't it contradictory to say that the prophecy is false? But on the other hand Paul's son is actually the one and they both try to find the lesser cruel path for humanity into humanity surviving, by seeing into the future. The Bene Gesserit can't foresee the future. So they could only try to manipulate it. So you could say they tried to manipulate it making up a prophecy which actually just became reality. Which doesn't make the prophecy false in anyway.

  • @fabianmario5315
    @fabianmario5315 10 месяцев назад +1

    Man this is actualy useful, at least for me 🙂

  • @Drazakhan_Dynasty
    @Drazakhan_Dynasty 10 месяцев назад +2

    Interesting that the harkonnens in the villeneuve movies are represented and reimagined visually the way i pictured the bene tleilaxu. The harkonnens of the books were represented by excess primarily, and where the bene gesseret work with people power, the bene tleilax are fleshed out more in book 5 and 6 where they are shown to use people as completely dehumanised resources. I feel Villeneuve planned on not really having the tleilaxu in his version of dune, and so blended them with the harkonnens. The harkonnens in tbe books were not really interested in wild genetic and synthetic manipulation of the body, they were just literally a slave based aristocracy.

  • @ryansauchuk7290
    @ryansauchuk7290 10 месяцев назад +3

    That reverend mother had no split loyalties it was 100% to the Sisterhood

  • @seige8621
    @seige8621 10 месяцев назад +2

    Bro, this was well done. Rang the bell for more videos from you

  • @VLoner0000
    @VLoner0000 2 месяца назад

    Paul could’ve saved the universe but said fuck it and wanted to live but fate said nope your son will be the one to save the universe 😂

    @EDDIETRUJILLO-q8p 10 месяцев назад +4

    The Harkonnen coward refused to kill humans on a fleeing ship during the war. I thought that was not cowardice. But, after thousands of years the Atraides for the most part live in worms.

  • @tyafasxilo629
    @tyafasxilo629 10 месяцев назад +1

    Great job on your video watch over twice a great watch 😂😂😂

  • @balgunercan
    @balgunercan 10 месяцев назад

    What a great video!

  • @AmirAli-mo2uu
    @AmirAli-mo2uu 2 месяца назад

    he’s got 5k subscribers dude how?????

  • @hariseldon3786
    @hariseldon3786 4 месяца назад

    "The Message" demands "strong independent female" and as such Progressive Hollywood changes many basics of the plot - Chanani being one example...

  • @guarana6245
    @guarana6245 10 месяцев назад

    Please try and make videos of the less known fiction sagas, for example Brandon Sanderson etc.

  • @KyeEnzoden
    @KyeEnzoden 2 месяца назад

    Wait ... Doesn't Paul come back again after his son dies?

  • @jordanglasper1064
    @jordanglasper1064 10 месяцев назад

    Just subscribed notifications bell on!!!

  • @lilsmarties5347
    @lilsmarties5347 10 месяцев назад +19

    this is using an identical script as another video

  • @fourwheelerjock
    @fourwheelerjock 6 месяцев назад

    How the he'll are they gonna git all this in just 1 more movie...

  • @youcefsaoudi2091
    @youcefsaoudi2091 10 месяцев назад +1

    any chance you'll do other episodes?

    • @RoyAllLore
      @RoyAllLore  10 месяцев назад +1

      I am thinking about game of thrones and house of the dragon in near future

    • @marksesi3097
      @marksesi3097 10 месяцев назад

      @@RoyAllLore can’t wait for that

  • @LSB44446
    @LSB44446 9 месяцев назад

    I hope Dune Messiah is faithful despite changes to Chani

  • @amber88565
    @amber88565 9 месяцев назад +2

    IMO Leto 2 is the hero of the series. He was willing to make the sacrifice Paul couldn’t for humanity. Most will think of him as a grotesque villain, but deep down he made the choice very few would for the greater good-whereas Paul hijacked his presence to fulfill his immediate goals.

    • @brennansmith6474
      @brennansmith6474 9 месяцев назад

      Leto is evil made humanity a slave to himself

    • @amber88565
      @amber88565 9 месяцев назад

      @@brennansmith6474 because it was the only way to save humanity. He also made himself a monster and doomed himself to thousands of years of loneliness for the sake of humanity

    • @brennansmith6474
      @brennansmith6474 9 месяцев назад

      @@amber88565 but how does any one know he is right

    • @amber88565
      @amber88565 9 месяцев назад

      @@brennansmith6474 because he can see the golden path in a conversation he has with Paul confirms that Paul saw the same thing too, but was too afraid of the consequences of trading his humanity to go down that path. But Paul does admit that it was the only path.

    • @brennansmith6474
      @brennansmith6474 9 месяцев назад

      @@amber88565 the golden is evil because it humanity one people we will never know in the books it visions our prophecies are real if the books are against charismatic leaders it failed

  • @Neagnosis
    @Neagnosis 10 месяцев назад +1

    Paul turns into a worm in the end is going to be the new Dumbledore dies in the end

    • @stephengrant4841
      @stephengrant4841 10 месяцев назад

      Except Dumbledore did die, and Paul doesn't turn into a worm

  • @tupples2863
    @tupples2863 10 месяцев назад +3

    Paul became fremen man and then become dessert Jesus and then becomes space Hitler and then becomes blind man and dies

    • @LuKaZz420
      @LuKaZz420 5 месяцев назад

      Jesus was from the Mid East, so he’s desert by default

  • @pekkoh75
    @pekkoh75 9 месяцев назад

    I wonder whether the movies and Dennis Villeneuve understand or embrace the perspective of the prophesies. It is easy to just label Paul as a dictator and "subvert expectations" that way, not willing to upend the perspective again. Especially, since that is mostly the domain of the "God Emperor" book, and not Messiah. And the final resolution of the "Golden Path" was arguably never written or completed by Frank Herbert himself. It is not known if the ending that was written really represents the original vision.

  • @mikepeterson4061
    @mikepeterson4061 10 месяцев назад +1

    It was Vor Atreides that pointed out the cowardice.

  • @strettoasino9006
    @strettoasino9006 10 месяцев назад

    There seems to be entire volumes lefted out of the films ...

  • @nickwilliams1714
    @nickwilliams1714 10 месяцев назад

    To me Paul is like anyone who takes the path of revenge !!! Even when you win did you truly win? Will you become what you wanted revenge on? Being a Hero sometimes involves making the hard choices and becoming what some might consider to be a monster!!!

  • @cosmicdive
    @cosmicdive 10 месяцев назад +1

    I've always wondered, if Spice Melange is only found on Arrakis and it's the only way to travel intergalactically then how did Humans discover it? Up until the point of its discovery there wasn't intergalactic travel, was there?
    Also, the dedication in the first book says that it's in some form a prediction of sorts. That long into the future these types of events could play out in Human history because of the psychological nature of human beings and how absolute power corrupts absolutely. A God-Emperor not of a nation but of an entire universe. Scary thought, that. 61 billion people dying in conflict over ideologies planted by a secret group of people who feel entitled over the rest of humanity, that's art imitating reality. The Bene Gesserit most likely even planted the religious ideologies of those 61 billion people, so it's really a system destroying itself. By using the diversity of culture, heritage, and religion they manage to achieve their end goal. The books are a cautionary tale.

    • @Wallerock16
      @Wallerock16 9 месяцев назад +1

      before the discovery of spice the intergalactic travel was still around. Humans were using ai to calculate a route for them but after the Butlerian Jihad the ai became heresy so humans turned to spice to navigate through stars as spice gives users to see the future. Spice isn't some sort of a fuel it is for the navigators that charts these routes.

    • @cosmicdive
      @cosmicdive 9 месяцев назад

      @@Wallerock16 Thanks for the clarification!!

  • @كفرلومحمد
    @كفرلومحمد 10 месяцев назад +4

    Subscribe from saudi Arabia 🇸🇦
    Great 👍

  • @dagnirglaurunga1620
    @dagnirglaurunga1620 10 месяцев назад +2

    How would moheim save Chani?

    • @lukasn9226
      @lukasn9226 8 месяцев назад

      They were plotting to assassinate Chani.

  • @honkyvanwildebeest8926
    @honkyvanwildebeest8926 3 месяца назад

    SLEEP comes after. It's a silly story.

  • @abelingaw5070
    @abelingaw5070 10 месяцев назад

    A rather great character but in the end ends up to be an enemy of his own son. A Darth Vader v Luke, only difference is Leto II lives for 3.5k years, poor Luke.

  • @jdgreat422
    @jdgreat422 3 месяца назад +1

    Paul is eren

  • @NinoBrown212
    @NinoBrown212 10 месяцев назад +3

    1. Subscribed
    2. Check to see what other video to watcb
    3. See theres only one (1) video.
    4. Wtf?

    • @Ronnie-mx1wu
      @Ronnie-mx1wu 10 месяцев назад

      Lmao I did the exact same thing.

    • @lucyrobinson2814
      @lucyrobinson2814 10 месяцев назад

      Are we that conditioned...
      But even so...incredible work. More of this please. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @sid2112
    @sid2112 10 месяцев назад

    Dead. He becomes dead. His kid, however....

  • @docwily6531
    @docwily6531 2 месяца назад


  • @DuelistRL
    @DuelistRL 10 месяцев назад

    Read the book and find out. That answers the question. Or spoil the whole book in a youtube video and make the book less interesting.

  • @wolvenedvard3049
    @wolvenedvard3049 4 месяца назад

    23:11 OMG So Dune isn't only a cautionary tale against charismatic leaders in general, it's a cautionary tale against the religious lies of Islamists and Jihadists still moving wars in our time...