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A-Rank Party wo Ridatsu shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiego-tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu. Episode 8 Discussion

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Mar 1, 8:22 AM

Nov 2011
Clever usage of items this episode. Well played.

This episode proves again that Yuke is willing to take risks to help anyone he believe is worth helping. As leader of Clover, he definitely has influence on his party members too. Team Pike's only member that has redeeming qualities is Jamie at this point so she's worth helping. I never liked any of their other members though.

Mar 1, 8:57 AM

Feb 2019
Best episode of the series by a country mile. Thank GOD we are finally rid of that pos Simon and the rest of his party. Finally Yuke can turn a new page on his life and be happy with those who actually value him. So happy Jamie survived too.

Such a fitting end for Simon too. He sold his soul and his mortality to beat Yuke and in the end, it’ll be that immortality which leads to him suffering for all eternity being literally ripped apart and healing. Could not have asked for a better ending tbh. Had so many chances to back off and leave yuke alone and he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He’ll have plenty of time to reflect on it.

That awkward moment when best girl of the series isn’t in the main party.. I’m happy Jamie got off without any serious punishment, but at the same time I really wanted her to join the party and go adventuring with them 😭 literally in two episodes she and Yuke had better chemistry than any of the other girls. “ I hate that womanising part of you and I hate that I’m so easy” FAKK. I was hoping she’d give him a kiss or something damn it. I hope we see her again idk if anyone has read and can tell me. But I love her
Marinate1016Mar 1, 2:35 PM
Mar 1, 9:45 AM

Apr 2014
Eternally suffering for Simon. That was quite satisfying. But, why did they cut Barry and Camilla's scenes?!! Jeeeeez
Mar 1, 9:49 AM
Apr 2013
EP 8

Last time we left off on an insane cliffhang...

Im honestly still not sure about nene is she permanently on the team now?

So 8 eps in it seems the first arc of sorts is over
And now uh hmm
Jamie lives and
Aside from that yeah
Im still wondering if theres gonna be any long term effects of what happened
Action scenes were a bit short this ep otherwisee
And the dungeon turned into a dead end i guess? unless they go back at some point

So nene is..sashide maria? Huhh
Though im not very familiar
Jamie is...mao? Sheesh I can never recognize her
CocoaGalaxyMar 1, 9:53 AM
Mar 1, 9:51 AM
Sep 2015
I love how Yuke is very kind, he doesn't hesitate for a bit to go help Jamie. And in a way, he technically doesn't kill Simon. He deserve to be much more powerful than this, because I'm sure he'll use all of his power to help people, not for his own gain.

I'm wondering what's the ultimate fate of the other two members of Thunder Pike, Barry and Camilla. Though it wouldn't be wrong to assume they're dead as of now. I'm a little bit sad because I also assume this is a peaceful, deathless anime.
Mar 1, 10:11 AM

Apr 2021
I'm so glad we finally got to see some of the more darker sides in this world. Especially how Rain dealt with this guy and Yuke even doubling down with a sinister curse.

And hey, Simon at long last admitted his jealousy. The concept of dying forever do to specific circumstances is always a really scary thought, especially with his body dysmorphia going on. But I actually think they could've handeled it even more gruesome. (btw Yu Yu Hakusho still used this trope of "forever dying" way more effectively)

Also, I hope the curse of Persephone will have heavy consequences later on for Yuke's usage. It's way too overpowered and without any drawbacks.
Mar 1, 10:23 AM

Dec 2013
A fate worse than death for Simon, but Jamie is fine and that's all that matters, loved how aggressive Marina was this episode, I really like her a lot, she and Jaime are the best.

AkeZZZ said:
ternally suffering for Simon. That was quite satisfying. But, why did they cut Barry and Camilla's scenes?!! Jeeeeez

I saw a lot of people were saying that they cut how dark it was, thank you for the img, so they got Globin Slayered, if anything else happened I would be happy for people to spoiler me what was cut.
Mar 1, 10:27 AM
Nov 2020
That fat bastard deserve the same punishment that Simon got.
Mar 1, 10:39 AM

Jul 2024
They really truncated both the fate of Thuderpigs and the mini arc of dealing with the creeper Besio Salas, but that leaves 4 episodes for more pleasant stuff.

Marinate1016 said:
Jamie honestly best girl of the series
You are a leg man, I take it. She has the long legs with the garters, and exaggerated high heels. Looks very good when walking away, balancing of the heels. Bright green eyes, freckles, and gold hair okay, also. Cleavage okay also, but hardly standing out in anime.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Mar 1, 10:41 AM

Mar 2016
Wow, I was never expecting the anime to show any of the brutal details, but it not only completely cut out what happened to Barry and Camilla, but didn’t even bother to explain how Jamie survived the orc den. What happened to Jamie after the whole ordeal is also very different from how things went in the manga, unless they are saving that for the next episode. If this is the last we see of Jamie then I’m going to riot because she is supposed to have some very nice scenes with Clover before the next arc.
Mar 1, 10:44 AM

Apr 2014
Reply to KanameYuuki
A fate worse than death for Simon, but Jamie is fine and that's all that matters, loved how aggressive Marina was this episode, I really like her a lot, she and Jaime are the best.

AkeZZZ said:
ternally suffering for Simon. That was quite satisfying. But, why did they cut Barry and Camilla's scenes?!! Jeeeeez

I saw a lot of people were saying that they cut how dark it was, thank you for the img, so they got Globin Slayered, if anything else happened I would be happy for people to spoiler me what was cut.
There are darker scenes than the one I posted here, especially what happened to Camilla. You can see them in chapter 65 of the manga.
Mar 1, 10:52 AM
Jan 2017
First of all, THANK GOD THUNDER PIKE IS GONE. It seems that they skipped more stuff again for the sake of retaining it's pg13 rating, which is fine with me. I've already spoiled myself on the parts that was skipped anyway, plus I don't really like what happened to TP despite wanting them to be gone. And most importantly, THEY SUCCESSFULLY SAVED JAMIE!!! I don't hate her but she's extremely cute. I hope she join Clover but it might seem like a wishful thinking.
Mar 1, 10:58 AM
Jan 2017
Reply to AkeZZZ
There are darker scenes than the one I posted here, especially what happened to Camilla. You can see them in chapter 65 of the manga.
@AkeZZZ it's pretty much shown already from your post, only more detailed

Mar 1, 11:00 AM
Oct 2022
Leaving Simon in that state was one of the closest things I've ever seen a Good Guy (non-edgy) protagonist do to someone, and it was 100% worth it and satisfying! Good Riddance! (Until his immortal behind shows up again having mastered some new power or controlling all the Shadow Stalkers that ingested him or something.)

Think Jaime will get the recruitment to Clover like she dreams of? What, if anything, do y'all think she needs to do to finish redeeming herself (if that's even possible to you.)
Mar 1, 11:12 AM

Jul 2024
LucenProject said:
Think Jaime will get the recruitment to Clover like she dreams of?

reisuuu said:
I hope she join Clover but it might seem like a wishful thinking.
Next episode is title six leaf Clover,so yeah.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Mar 1, 11:40 AM

Aug 2016
Good episode. Glad that they rescued Jaime, although i expected her to join Clover, honestly, so bit disappointed with the punishment they received at the end. Honestly, i don't think they should've gotten punished for anything. So what if they entered a dungeon that was about to be sealed? Firstly, they didn't hurt anyone, in fact, they saved someone.

Secondly, the dungeon was ABOUT to be sealed, not yet sealed. So the fact that both Clover & Jaime got punished, was completely unconvincing, but it is what it is. The title of the next episode is a bit interesting though, because it's "6 leaf clover", meaning that 6th could be Jaime? Although she was prohibited from any adventure activities for a year? Does that mean we'll skip a year?

Or is it in fact, not Jaime, but some other 6th member, and we're gonna be skipping a month till when Clover is back in action? Curious to know which of the both.
Mar 1, 11:41 AM
Oct 2022
@LordCrueltyV Yeah, I noticed that too, but wasn't sure since they said she couldn't be an adventure for a year. And I thought they might let her live with them, help out with random things in town for a while first to build trust, so next episode felt fast.
Mar 1, 11:43 AM
Apr 2024
I am so happy they were able to save Jaime, even though it sucked that she can't join them because she's banned for 1 year... maybe she can still join them somehow? I dunno

I am glad the bad guys got what they deserved, and I have no sympthy for them whatsoever, but I do wonder what's next for our good guys?
Mar 1, 11:54 AM
Jul 2024
Wow. I'm not even sure a scumbag like Simon deserved that living Hell Yuke sentenced him to. Holy Crap! Well that is the end of Blunder Pike & good riddance to bad rubbish. We won't have to see them again.
Mar 1, 11:56 AM
Feb 2024
aaaaaaaaaaaand another one in the harem
Mar 1, 12:05 PM

Jul 2024
LucenProject said:
Yeah, I noticed that too, but wasn't sure since they said she couldn't be an adventure for a year. And I thought they might let her live with them, help out with random things in town for a while first to build trust

Base support, supply management, training, anything except filed service at first. And of course, they will find some exigency to remove the restriction.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Mar 1, 12:26 PM

Jun 2016
Funny, I didn't expect episode 8 to be so dark compared to the manga. Yes, compared to the manga, some scenes were skipped and some were added or changed, but it's a rare case where it was a good thing. The main character is furious, quite more in line with the situation than it was in the manga, though I'd like to get an opinion on how it was in the original.
Mar 1, 12:35 PM
Jul 2014
So this means we're finally done with Thunder Pike and Simon, right? He's not going to pull yet another reappearance out of his regenerating ass, right? Please?

Happy they saved Jamie, though, and given the confession video and the next episode title, it seems likely she's going to join Clover too. After all, she presumably still needs medicine for her brother, and she can't work as an adventurer for a year (and it's unlikely other parties would want her anyway).
Mar 1, 12:35 PM
Jan 2025
Jesus, that episode was dark.
But, thinking back through it, there have been a lot of pretty extreme things in this anime that looked very cheerful and mild at the start.
Mar 1, 12:53 PM
May 2016
Ahhh, so I skipped ahead and read the manga after last week's epiosde but didn't want to spoil anything in case they actually show what happens to Thunder Pike. Obviously they didn't and, geez, really skipped a LOT to the point you really don't get what's going on. Anyway yeah so in the manga this turned into Goblin Slayer ep 1,
the two guys get eaten alive and torn limb from limb,
and that girl
...well yeah Orc's are a lot "bigger" than goblins if you get what I am saying
Pretty unexpected stuff for this show. o_0 As for Jamie, if you are wondering how she survives (Yuke doesn't wake up for 3 days after they get back, which is when they find the letter and stone, it also tells them about Besio being behind it), she had a magic bracelet that concealed her from the Orcs

Also the whole plot to trap that fat guy Besio was a lot more elaborate, he waits until he thinks Rain is alone, then goes to the house to try to control her with the collar, he has a magic key to get in and literally whips his dick out and orders Rain to blow him,
(she pretends to play along, not sure why they neeed her to go THAT far, then smashes a vase over his head) then they spring the trap on him, and to rub it in she doesn't just grab Yuke's hand she kisses him. They also hand him over to Brentwood. Not sure why they changed it to make him do something so dumb.
Also in the fight with Simon they changed it a bunch too, Simon and Yuke were childhood friends, which is why Yuke is so forgiving (thus the quick shot of them as kids) and the magic item Simon used is what made his body bloat and go all Akira (much more so in the manga) Yuke's magic actually destroys his brain and finally puts him out of his misery or else he would have endlessly regenerated as a corrupted blob of flesh. Why make Yuke a revegeful a-hole instead was weird as that was the whole thing about his character up until now what a good guy he is.
Between this and Guild Receptionist must be the season for bad adaptations. :/
MenchiK1Mar 1, 1:02 PM
Mar 1, 12:58 PM
Dec 2020
*Solo Leveling* Episode 9 ramps up the action and emotional depth, showcasing Sung Jin-Woo’s growing mastery of his powers. The animation is smooth, and the battle scenes are intense, keeping viewers hooked. Jin-Woo’s internal struggle with his increasing strength adds depth to his character, while the stakes and world-building continue to expand. With tight pacing and a solid balance of action and development, this episode solidifies *Solo Leveling* as a must-watch for fans.
Mar 1, 1:23 PM

Jan 2014
meh they cut the goblin slayer scene
Mar 1, 3:22 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to OrangeRium
meh they cut the goblin slayer scene
@OrangeRium I could just imagine the reaction from the Zoomers to THAT. Some of them went bonkers about it in Goblin Slayer. But from that Manga Panel someone posted, I can see enough. Camilla had a very BAD END.
Mar 1, 5:07 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to Marinate1016
Best episode of the series by a country mile. Thank GOD we are finally rid of that pos Simon and the rest of his party. Finally Yuke can turn a new page on his life and be happy with those who actually value him. So happy Jamie survived too.

Such a fitting end for Simon too. He sold his soul and his mortality to beat Yuke and in the end, it’ll be that immortality which leads to him suffering for all eternity being literally ripped apart and healing. Could not have asked for a better ending tbh. Had so many chances to back off and leave yuke alone and he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He’ll have plenty of time to reflect on it.

That awkward moment when best girl of the series isn’t in the main party.. I’m happy Jamie got off without any serious punishment, but at the same time I really wanted her to join the party and go adventuring with them 😭 literally in two episodes she and Yuke had better chemistry than any of the other girls. “ I hate that womanising part of you and I hate that I’m so easy” FAKK. I was hoping she’d give him a kiss or something damn it. I hope we see her again idk if anyone has read and can tell me. But I love her
Marinate1016 said:
That awkward moment when best girl of the series isn’t in the main party.. I’m happy Jamie got off without any serious punishment, but at the same time I really wanted her to join the party and go adventuring with them 😭 literally in two episodes she and Yuke had better chemistry than any of the other girls. “ I hate that womanising part of you and I hate that I’m so easy” FAKK. I was hoping she’d give him a kiss or something damn it. I hope we see her again idk if anyone has read and can tell me. But I love her

Just check the name of the next episode for next week 😉
Mar 1, 5:07 PM
Jul 2024
I knew they wouldn't include what happened in chapter 65 and onwards.
Mar 1, 7:20 PM
Aug 2022
Judgment526 said:
Wow, I was never expecting the anime to show any of the brutal details, but it not only completely cut out what happened to Barry and Camilla, but didn’t even bother to explain how Jamie survived the orc den. What happened to Jamie after the whole ordeal is also very different from how things went in the manga, unless they are saving that for the next episode. If this is the last we see of Jamie then I’m going to riot because she is supposed to have some very nice scenes with Clover before the next arc.

Truth, they are cutting A BUNCH of essencial things from manga. It’s far away from just cutting 1~2 scenes, they are ripping and changing entire chapters.
Mar 1, 9:05 PM

Apr 2018
I'm kind of disappointed with how they cut out the death scenes of Barry and Camilla.

I didn't expect it to be as brutal as in the manga, but completely cutting out is just... um... feels incomplete and so unsatisfying.
Mar 1, 9:40 PM

Jul 2012
I don't know why this show is ticking all the boxes for me but I just like every single character.
Mar 1, 9:42 PM
Mar 2016
The ending for Simon rubbed me the wrong way. Most people don't think about it too much because first of all it's fictional but second of all because eternity is difficult to actually comprehend. But personally I don't believe anyone deserves eternal punishment. There is no crime you can commit that causes even a tiny fraction of the pain of his fate. It's an entirely unequal punishment. You could do it to someone you don't know because it's easy to not care about people outside of your circle but to do it to a friend you grew up with. I find it hard to believe anyone would do that. He was strong enough I'm sure he could have found a way to just kill him outright. But to damn him to an eternity of horrific suffering is not right if you think about it outside of the box of just 20 minutes of entertainment. Sure it feels good to see the bad guy lose but it's really bad for the psyche to glory in such a horrific outcome. We take hell and eternity far too lightly.
Mar 1, 10:01 PM
elk sensei

Oct 2013
Nice closure in regards to Thunder Pike, Simon, and Jamie
Mar 1, 10:13 PM

Jun 2024
Simon got what he deserved, but why didn't we get to see the deaths of the other members? I wanted to see them get their just desserts.
Thankfully Jamie was saved.
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Mar 1, 10:44 PM

Feb 2019
that was unfortunate what happened to simon, but that was his karma for all the bad deeds he committed. and that merchant deserved the punishment given to him by both rain & yuke lol he thought he got what he wanted already, but too bad for him, yuke was able to dispel the collar & rain then returned his favor back to him by placing the collar on his very own neck! lol
Mar 2, 12:34 AM
Aug 2024
They are cutting scenes because anime is PG-13. and manga panel is like R rating.
Mar 2, 12:42 AM

Jan 2017
They skipped the brutal orc scene lol Bandai Namco such a big p*ssy.
Mar 2, 2:04 AM

Mar 2013
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Mar 2, 3:27 AM
Dec 2011
For those of you who are complaining about contents being cut from the manga, please understand that the manga is not the original source material. The series is originally a novel and the manga adds so many things that make the manga very different from the novel. The anime is adaptation of the novel version and it’s faithful to the original content.
Mar 2, 6:04 AM
Apr 2023
That felt almost like an end of season episode, and didn't realise it was only 1/3 of the way through (thought it was 12 episodes total).

The added angle of the cursed mark from Persephone is kind of interesting though, and will wait to see where that goes! The longer season at least means there should hopefully be more development and pay-off for it.
Mar 2, 6:22 AM
Apr 2023
From what I read, the anime adapted more of the source light novel (at least for this phase of the story), which I think is quite appropriate since it's aiming for a wider range of viewers.
Try reading the manga adaptation starting around chapter 50, you will see how brutal things developed there (though that is just how the mangaka interpreted it). I kinda like this more toned down version of how things happened in the dungeon and outside, quite easier to swallow so to speak.
Mar 2, 7:27 AM
May 2023
i think for me in this ep, not just unshown end of other Thunder Pike members was brutal, Yuke casting dark spell to Simon (since Simon claiming to be immortal) and just left Simon to suffer alone in the dungeon was most brutal, Yuke have to say farewell to a person who was once his childhood friennd

anyway, Jamie will join Clover next episode and will add more love rivalry between the girls. wonder how they will work out.
Mar 2, 9:39 AM
Nov 2017
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this be the end of Simon. Also, yay Jamie got saved!

There's gotta be some kind of trade-off for Yuke being able to use all that dark magic so much this episode...
Mar 2, 9:49 AM

Jul 2024
YuushaNi said:
There's gotta be some kind of trade-off for Yuke being able to use all that dark magic so much this episode
I think for the pact, he has to F*ck the Pale immortal Goddess for all eternity after he dies, and I thought I heard something

LordCrueltyVMar 2, 12:11 PM
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Mar 2, 10:10 AM
Jul 2024
Oh, crap, My NTR joke about Hades wasn't that far off then, was it? LOL
Mar 2, 1:06 PM
Dec 2023
There was so much satisfaction in this episode. Rain putting that slave collar on him was icing on the cake and then Yuke putting the cherry on top with the added curse lol.

Simon being tortured forever is a fitting punishment for the pos narcissist.

Jamie being saved and alright in the end and finally gets to apologize to Yuke.

I think the title of the next episode at the end of the credits is a good hint of what's to come next.
Mar 2, 4:58 PM
Jan 2020
They butchered the hell of this. Completely cut out Thunder Pike getting the "Goblin Slayer" treatment. In the actual story, the forbidden artifact Simon used doesn't make him undead, it regenerates the body using demonic flesh which corrupts the users mind. Simon kept regenerating while being eaten by orcs.

Mar 2, 5:49 PM
Jan 2021
Simon was an unrepentant ass but... damn, that was one hardcore punishment. Probably more than he really deserved, but he brought it all upon himself. I'm just glad Jamie was saved and is redeemed. Even though she's banned from adventuring, maybe she can be part of Clover as a stay-at-base support unit until her ban expires. I'm hoping that's what next episode's title is alluding to.
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