Michael Doherty

He accidentally DM'd two videos of him getting head this morning for free around 5am EST. They're removed now. I wish I would have screen recorded before he deleted them. Did anyone else see?
Yesssss I thought it was part of his message right before that said he was feeling generous cause that was pretty generous lol then I go back later and they’re gone
I’ve been wondering where in Texas he moved. I’m also curious as to how his family has so much money, giving people cars and the like. Did they make it all off of his brother’s following? I think he’s a TikTok influencer. It’s very confusing.

He also seems to find the worst people to interview. I even remember when he interviewed a clearly gay guy who said no to, “gay rights? Yes or no?” Even in Texas, most of the major cities lean at least slightly blue.
His brother makes big bucks on Youtube. The dad may do well too. Their family home looks big but hideously outdated.