Gas Furnace Turning Off? Here's What Might Be Happening

  • Опубликовано: 7 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 505

  • @justincaldarella
    @justincaldarella Год назад +70

    Best HVAC video I’ve seen, you couldn’t have explained it any better. Thank you.

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад +4

      Wow, thanks!

    • @Caesar-nq5if
      @Caesar-nq5if Год назад +4

      @@TaddyDigest dude, you are better than any instructor I've had. Keep the videos rolling, you're gonna make me rich.

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад +3

      Really means a lot thank you so much

    • @HamBone86
      @HamBone86 4 месяца назад +3

      @@Caesar-nq5if For real! Most people would have never noticed the return size being the culprit but makes perfect sense. This dude is the HVAC GOAT!

    • @DanielLopez-ln4qx
      @DanielLopez-ln4qx 3 месяца назад

      I’ve learned so much in this channel

  • @richardjohnson8372
    @richardjohnson8372 Год назад +18

    Thanks Tad, you're very thorough and that is why you found the cracked heat exchanger, too bad for the customer but good for their health and safety, they were lucky to have you as a service tech.

  • @jayjudd6518
    @jayjudd6518 Год назад +17

    This was one of those that start out small but cost the customer dearly in the end. You did save the customers and families life. Finding that heat exchanger full of cracks , praise the Lord. Hallelujah.😊😊

  • @andydevine5847
    @andydevine5847 Год назад +4

    Very informative and well done video. All the right talking points. I learned a lot. Having come from an Industrial HVAC background, I feel that I have a lot to learn in the residential/commercial sector where I now own a business. This was very helpful. Walla Walla Washington.

  • @pa1396
    @pa1396 Год назад +15

    good Job guys, I am an HVAC tech with few years of experience and i just came accross your video out of bordom amd wanted to appreciate what you are doing, keep it up

  • @Caesar-nq5if
    @Caesar-nq5if Год назад +7

    I'm about to get out of medical and back into HVAC. I'm addicted to this channel

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад +3

      Really appreciate you watching brother

    • @Caesar-nq5if
      @Caesar-nq5if Год назад +4

      @@TaddyDigest seriously, you are the Compressor Professor. I can't wait to start my LLC and I have you to thank

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад +1

      That's awesome the compressor professor 😄 🤣

  • @atlasfueloilinc.2421
    @atlasfueloilinc.2421 Год назад +7

    I have a furnace with 140 limit switch open, now I can believe it is a cracked heat exchanger. I was speaking with co worker over phone and found it. Thanks for the info.

  • @reginaldkoromahjr733
    @reginaldkoromahjr733 9 дней назад +2

    Man you took me to school.
    I'm having the exact issue with my furnace. Feel there's a obstruction, but never would've thought about the heat exchanger. Thumbs Up

  • @jessetmuniz7834
    @jessetmuniz7834 Год назад +13

    Man, I like and enjoy very much your teaching scenarios, and troubleshooting a lot. I do HVAC but not like you residential/commercial. I only do apartments complex and pretty much is the same each day, since is the same property. Every once an awhile I do City Residential. But definitely I'm learning and keep learning by watching your videos. You're the best!

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад +6

      I'm glad you enjoy the video. You're the reason I do them my friend. Thank you so much for watching.

  • @Diobeatease
    @Diobeatease 6 месяцев назад +6

    Thank you so much for this. I live in Iowa and we recently had 100 degree weather and my ac went out. Now the heat has passed ive found this and after replacing multiple parts (one was actually broken) this helped me truly troubleshoot and confirm. People like you posting these educational videos are real heros to people like me struggling to get by and unable to afford to hire someone.

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  6 месяцев назад +4

      I really appreciate you. Thank you so much for watching the videos. I'm so glad you let me know how i've helped and that to me means everything you're the.Reason I keep doing these videos

  • @sleep0228
    @sleep0228 Год назад +10

    Customer here. Nice video, i love learning how things work.

  • @sarbbhamra6758
    @sarbbhamra6758 Год назад +10

    Hello, thank you so much for taking a time to make these videos. I learned so much from your videos. God bless you!!!
    Toronto, Canada

  • @zahedaminullah6934
    @zahedaminullah6934 Год назад +7

    Your video was amazing from start to scratch, well explained, i bet you a camera scope would not find that crack, hard to find cracks with a camera, but you did everything the right way, good job!

  • @ronaldswindell1525
    @ronaldswindell1525 Год назад +4

    A better filter will keep those heat exchangers clean!! 😊 I’ve been doing HVAC for 17 years, I’m located in Eastern middle Tennessee. You make really great videos! Keep it up!!

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад +2

      Good to know!

    • @disnalee
      @disnalee Год назад +3

      My furnace stays running nonstop but blows no heat. You can feel the warmth by the vent but no warm air blows. I had two servicemen come but they only offer me to buy a new furnace from them. So far no repair yet. I hope its okay for the next 2 months. Damn they say board is bad $600+, fan motor bad $1000+ and need a new thermostat cuz mine has mercury., and a new furnace will run $4200+++ not including yearly service cleaning. I like to just get it repair but not having to buy a whole new furnace when not necessary... Is there any honest repairman out there???

    • @JB-lu7vz
      @JB-lu7vz Год назад +1

      What MERV rating for a filter do you consider optimal for air cleaning but not too restrictive of air flow? Thanks!

  • @dinowiz27
    @dinowiz27 Год назад +3

    You explained that very well and a lot of helpful information for young technicians learning the trade. My name is Eric and im watching your videos from Baltimore Maryland.

  • @CityWoodsClips
    @CityWoodsClips Год назад +3

    Awesome video. I’m gonna rewatch and take notes. I’m an hvac student in Florida and I am confused about direction but you helped me with information thank you.

  • @dyershvac5884
    @dyershvac5884 Год назад +7

    No better in the business than ol Tadd. He's a master!

  • @jeffeverett274
    @jeffeverett274 Год назад +4

    Very informative, didn't realize that there was so much involved. Looks like keeping the coils clean is important. Thanks.👍

  • @masquedebe713
    @masquedebe713 2 месяца назад +3

    I did learn quite a lot from this video. I'm not a pro, but I can usually fix things with the right research, and you just provided some no-nonsense information that's gonna save me a ton of cash. Thank you.

  • @DennisYounker-sf5wb
    @DennisYounker-sf5wb Год назад +11

    That secondary heat exchanger was clean af bro.

  • @AlexanderOrona-m1g
    @AlexanderOrona-m1g Год назад +4

    My boss and the customers think I should be able to do all this in like 20 minutes, by myself in a cramped attic space. lol You pretty knowledgeable tech Taddy. love your vids.

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад +6

      Your boss needs to get up there and do it himself

    • @techti8792
      @techti8792 Год назад +1

      NTE bruh

    • @Tito-hvac8
      @Tito-hvac8 11 месяцев назад +1

      The same thing happens with me 😏

    • @michaeldreves5072
      @michaeldreves5072 2 месяца назад

      There's definitely a better way to solve this issue and come to the same determination Tad did you definitely don't have to remove the entire heat exchanger to tell that the heat exchanger is cracked There's so many ways to tell this without doing this process

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  2 месяца назад

      There's definitely different ways.What if the flame is blowing out?That's a definite indication

  • @PatrickRupnarain
    @PatrickRupnarain Месяц назад +1

    Very informative. I had 4 servicemen in to see my furnace (100k btu two stage hi efficiency) and had the gas rate reduced, thermostat changed, intake vents blocked off and finally the limit switch changed. About to replace a 9 year furnace. This looks like the most plausible reason since ducts haven't been cleaned in over 20 years!! Thanks

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Месяц назад

      It’s a good thing you found the issue!

  • @edwinhiler5890
    @edwinhiler5890 Год назад +3

    I learned a lot from this video. The biggest thing is the way to check in the limit switch is open with the thermistor, thought that it was only used to find super heats

  • @charliemahoney2912
    @charliemahoney2912 Год назад +6

    Thank you.
    AC coil was plugged.
    Switch was doing its job.

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад +1

      Glad it helped

    • @charliemahoney2912
      @charliemahoney2912 Год назад +2

      It is helpful to see someone else take time to find out the root problem and not just try and quick fix the symptoms.
      The part was telling of another fault.

    • @charliemahoney2912
      @charliemahoney2912 Год назад +2

      The modern "health care" system works the symptoms and not root problems as well, and we know how healthy Americans are.

  • @NationCraftbros
    @NationCraftbros Год назад +5

    dam thats a big ass crack. i always put a box for 3.5 ton ac or anything at a 100kbtu and over. you offered to fix first before replacment. i beleive in building value with the client. when they see you actually care they will throw whatever you offer them. good work. im from illinois lol

  • @ernestshort2112
    @ernestshort2112 4 месяца назад +2

    Best HVAC video I’ve seen, you couldn’t have explained it any better. Thank you.

  • @ZER0V1dzz
    @ZER0V1dzz Год назад +5

    Failed heat exchanger and a fist bump hahah, can't imagine why 😂 Good work guys.

  • @STUNT4516
    @STUNT4516 Год назад +3

    Such a good diagnostics test/learning video. IM SUPER EXCITED

  • @ilovedemfokes
    @ilovedemfokes Год назад +4

    Sir, that was just about the most helpful vids I have seen in a loooong time. Thank you. Saved me a world of headache. BTW I love those Maxi Flex gloves - all I've been using.

  • @andiofski2653
    @andiofski2653 29 дней назад +1

    Ah man. Thank you so much for this video. My problem exactly for several years. Hidden filters were plugged. explains why the garage was warm. It was pushing against the blocked filter into the garage and cutting out after two minutes.

  • @pedrotinoco5821
    @pedrotinoco5821 Год назад +3

    it was very important for my education, thanks for your time from Chicago IL.

  • @harrycastro592
    @harrycastro592 3 месяца назад +5

    Thanks, you helped me to solve a problem when 4 other technicians before me can't find.

  • @AaronPowellvox
    @AaronPowellvox Год назад +4

    I had a bad limit the other day. It was on a package unit though so it got corroded. Great video once again!

  • @KARNAK47
    @KARNAK47 11 месяцев назад +2

    I've been doing this for about about 20 years or more and I always add to returns to the big 90s like that. That dirty coil also could have contributed to that bad exchanger. But I would have never probably caught that without breaking it down myself because it had a rich nice blue and white Flame. In my experience over the years usually when that boy cracks I get some orange in the flame. Thanks for the tips I'll add this in my notes of troubleshooting. Love your content you do an awesome job peace and blessings😂

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  11 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you brother I'm glad you like to content. Thank you so much for watching.

  • @WadeValentinHVACContractorLLC
    @WadeValentinHVACContractorLLC Год назад +3

    Tad, you guys in Tennessee really know your ac/heating trade. im glad i follow you bc even tho ive been doing this for 22 years in Fl so no gas furnaces much, i learn something new from you each and every time, cause and effect! Thanks for sharing.

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад +2

      Glad to hear that my brother please keep watching

  • @derekkay2104
    @derekkay2104 Год назад +2

    great work and thank you, i am visiting you from Atlanta Ga. keep helping me be a more proficient technician

  • @josemena7644
    @josemena7644 Месяц назад

    Great job explaining all the details, Tad!!
    You are a Natural Teacher; I’m impressed.
    And now I’m off to see if I can figure why my furnace turns on for 30 seconds and shuts down.
    Thank You, Kindly, Tad.🙏🏼

    • @DaveCrawford-jl9nn
      @DaveCrawford-jl9nn Месяц назад

      Did you find the problem cause? I'm about to head to a friend's house with the same issue. Hoping it is a dirty flame sensor or dirty/bad limit switch.

  • @Eddy63
    @Eddy63 Год назад +3

    Nice troubleshooting & nice find on the heat exchanger ... Good info Tad ... Thx

  • @ryanchurchill8245
    @ryanchurchill8245 Год назад +7

    This was an awesome video!! I learned more here than I have in 6 months of school. Thank you Tad!!

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад +4

      I really appreciate you saying that you are awesome. Thank you so much for watching.
      Please share the video if you have time and hit the like button.

    • @dporrasxtremeLS3
      @dporrasxtremeLS3 Год назад

      Yes! Taddy So much info. here! This Really Helps us who are out in the field troubleshoot, and be observant to the symptoms we see and the study we've done on heating and A/C. Very Good Video! Thanks! @@TaddyDigest

  • @JesseDoesHVAC
    @JesseDoesHVAC Год назад +3

    Considering the space above the units most of the time, i never understand why not lift the unit up and take return from the bottom as well. Good catch on that HX

  • @zman919
    @zman919 Год назад +3

    Hello sir. Just want to say I'm new to your channel and the content you present is excellent!!!!! Great Job!!

  • @pedrogonzalez9184
    @pedrogonzalez9184 Год назад +2

    Great job bro Pedro from Tampa FL leading every time with U.

  • @joshdares9052
    @joshdares9052 2 месяца назад +2

    #1 hvac guy on RUclips. Enjoy these videos dude.

  • @JuanTorres-gd2gn
    @JuanTorres-gd2gn 17 дней назад +1

    I've just recently noticed an error code regarding the main limit on my furnace, and this video is amazing, will be referencing this video as I do my own testing for sure

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  17 дней назад

      Excellent, i'm glad you watched the video.I'm glad it was helpful

    • @JuanTorres-gd2gn
      @JuanTorres-gd2gn 17 дней назад

      @@TaddyDigest No, thank you! Although i dont have a temperature tester, but I do have a multimeter, and i tested for continuity and it beeped, also ohms, with close to 0 ohms

  • @rauljr9869
    @rauljr9869 2 месяца назад +1

    Your attention to detail caught my attention while researching some troubleshooting. Keep providing, they're great!

  • @elgallo0823
    @elgallo0823 Год назад +4

    The best HVAC guy

  • @allen17sbmvp
    @allen17sbmvp Год назад +5

    Your videos are liquid gold!!!!! Ty bud

  • @joebjr8053
    @joebjr8053 2 месяца назад +2

    DUDE YOUR THE MAN, Jan 1, 7 am, 58° in the house. What a way to start a new year. I have several furry animals so I change my filter the 1st of every month. Just so happens I used the last one in the case. It must have been in Nov so I missed Decembers filter. Shut main power, would kick on four 4/5 min, then Shut off. Had no idea lack of air flow would kick it off by being to hot. By the way everything was clean in the furnace with all new A/C 6 months ago, new inducer 1 month ago. Thank you so much for making this video. Have a Prosperous and Happy New Year.

    • @johnnybee3444
      @johnnybee3444 2 месяца назад

      My exact scenario ! House temp dropped to 56 degrees Hot at the heat tubes flames great but look warm heat from all the registers , new filter will pull the blower out and look at the secondary heat exchanger but thinking the worse ,...........

  • @emoneyblue
    @emoneyblue 3 месяца назад +1

    Chandler, Arizona its like I'm there working with you, great stuff. Keep it coming brother. Thanks 😃

  • @dgfitch
    @dgfitch 3 месяца назад

    DUDE. Thank you for this extremely useful video. Super appreciate you, was able to get my old ass furnace back up and going until a real repair guy came by finding a switch with rusting connectors using your multitool explanation, and deoxidizing the connections! HOORAY

  • @rayanderson4302
    @rayanderson4302 Год назад +3

    Really great informative video. I'm having an issue with my garage furnace my cousin sent me this link. I'm a plumber in illinois. The garage heaters a lot different it's one of those ceiling hung units. I changed the limit switch thinking that was the issue. It's not. I'm going to run some tests and check out the coil but this thing just keeps on shutting off on me. I was also going to try and change the thermostat. This thing was working fine and then it just started shutting off after 5 minutes of operation.

  • @isonlynameleft
    @isonlynameleft 10 месяцев назад +3

    Wow, fascinating. I've actually ran onto quite a few bad limits switches though for some reason.

  • @pedrotinoco5821
    @pedrotinoco5821 Год назад +3


  • @PremierBuildingService
    @PremierBuildingService Год назад +3

    Thanks for posting this video I’m new to field and need these to learn I’m going to be paying for more details again thanks

  • @chadrayl9648
    @chadrayl9648 Год назад +2

    I do what you do but I just pull one screw out of limit then stick my “k” type thermometer through that. Or pull limit, foil tape, then poke thermometer through. 😅 100 ways to skin a cat🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m in year 3 an always refer to your videos, thanks for helping us all out🤘🥃

  • @drubradley8821
    @drubradley8821 Год назад +4

    That was impressive diagnosis... Well done. Still scary though, fearing mine will dump out on me..

  • @JaimeGarcia-eg2qv
    @JaimeGarcia-eg2qv Год назад +2

    Thank you TAc I didn’t know you couldn’t add another return at the furnace if there is a water heater near by.

  • @alanmars7120
    @alanmars7120 2 месяца назад +1

    I only service "old school" large industrial boilers. I just had a friend recommended your videos because he knows I love to learn. I wouldn't be working on condensing units, but I loved your video. Like you mentioned, I always want to know what caused a failure to happen so it doesn't repeat it self. Keep up the good work!

  • @duanehouston7689
    @duanehouston7689 10 месяцев назад +2

    Great video, especially the cold air return tip.

  • @andresbatacan463
    @andresbatacan463 4 месяца назад +2

    That's a costumers are looking an a Technician a true if not the good one but find the heat exchanger a crack that saves the family life but at the end it costly damage to the pocket but money is money life is important. I'm retired but still looking to learn something good. From Toronto Canada good job Taddy. Keep up the good work to help costumers.

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  4 месяца назад +1

      Thank you very much for watching.
      I am glad YOU are here

  • @frankl6684
    @frankl6684 Месяц назад +1

    Good job on the video,. You missed the leaking and not properly assemble venting, you can tell by the brown stain for the leak and the missing bead on the joints. FYI all those ICP furnaces are either cracked in that location are will have cracked rings on the smooth side in the stainless models. You can reach in through the evap coil cover and feal them with your fingers. For future call you might have you can do a static pressure check across the furnace. This will indicate the lack of air flow. As for the secondary, it was dirty but not the cause of the limit problem. I blame the shit ductwork for that.

  • @Tonyhvac
    @Tonyhvac Год назад +6

    Great service brother,good job 💯

  • @Jugc0006
    @Jugc0006 3 месяца назад +1

    Tad is my hero. I've said it before and I'll say it now and Mañana too. 😊 good work Tad

  • @MiguelPenado-v5b
    @MiguelPenado-v5b Год назад +3

    I learned not fist bump when I find a broken heat exchanger. But also thank you, great video.

  • @odg09
    @odg09 Месяц назад

    Great video!!, from duplicating the problem and showing how to diagnose it and then the cause,Thank you for putting this video together. I definitely learned something new. I will now remove my blower and inspect the second burner. You are appreciated Sir.

  • @sergiodominguez2103
    @sergiodominguez2103 Год назад +3

    That so good a really learn something. Thank you for sharing your experience

  • @yavinhighsmith
    @yavinhighsmith Год назад +2

    WOW!!! I learned so much from that video. When I seen the busted exchanger, my wallet started making cash register sounds 😂😂😂 nice video. 👌🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад

      Glad it was helpful! Thank you for watching

  • @Daviddemetrio_oficial
    @Daviddemetrio_oficial Год назад +1

    Hi ... I am in Everett WA and the video is amazing ... however all i learnt is that i wont be able to fix my furnice but call a technician ...ahahaha... thanks for the video ...

  • @elrolo3711
    @elrolo3711 Месяц назад +2

    Good video….Really old memory retired building inspector BC Canada. Shouldn’t the unrestricted return air cross section of grilles / plenum / ducts be at least 80 - 90% of the cross section area of the supply air ducts ? Also have to compensate a %age for the return air grilles that restrict the airflow ?
    Also badly cracked heat exchangers like this one do leak dangerous carbon dioxide into the house which can make people unwell if not worse.
    Oversized forced air systems are bad because they cycle on and off too frequently which stresses the metal and is the main contributor to cracked heat exchangers. Proper sized furnaces will run for less frequent longer cycles which provides more even more comfortable temps.

  • @JorgeM3434
    @JorgeM3434 Год назад +2


    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much you made my mouth drop open. That's awesome

  • @nyrangers3150
    @nyrangers3150 2 месяца назад +2

    Hmm. If the primary heat exchanger was cracked you should have seen more of a yellow flame within the burners, From what I saw from a quick pass by in the video, they looked a good color of blue. Why quote them on a new unit when you can just change the primary heat exchanger, clean the secondary heat exchanger and then run some new duct? Also you should mention to check the burners and orafices and the roll off sensors. Lastly, if limit sensor was the concern, I would have done a flame test in the tubes to check the heat exchanger and if I saw yellow flame, might have checked gas pressure with a monometer. Good work though and thanks for posting these types of videos. It really helps us all out..

    • @MichaelDirk
      @MichaelDirk 2 месяца назад +1

      Yes, you can replace the primary heat exchanger in a furnace without replacing the entire unit, but it's usually only recommended if the furnace is relatively new and in good condition overall, as the process often requires significant disassembly and can be costly due to labor involved; if the furnace is older, replacing the whole unit might be more cost-effective.
      Seems the flame test you recommend might have been something to check after the first issue was fixed. And, by finding the cracks and replacing that component, the flame would have been OK most likely. If not, then a gas valve check might have been in order. I'm no HVAC guy (just a homeowner), but it seems Tad was on point and perhaps you're nitpicking a bit.

  • @brunomarquez3409
    @brunomarquez3409 Год назад +2

    You’re the best. Thanks for the advice. 👍 my name is Bruno I live in Alexandria Virginia

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад

      Hey bruno i'm glad you're here brother
      Stay healthy stay happy

  • @brunoshvac2578
    @brunoshvac2578 Год назад +5

    The thermistor was getting hotter then the rating on the limit because it was possibly sticking in to far. That furnace as most Carrier brands use a baffle to direct the air flow directly at the high limit to cool it off. I’d recommend using a piece of tape to hold the thermistor directly on the limit so it sees what the limit does. Nice find on the plugged secondary. Carrier also put out a bulletin for some of there units showing the insulation deteriorating and puffing up inside the primary section of heat exchanger and directly under the high limit the insulation puffs up and blocks a portion of the air from the blower motor even though the baffle is blowing it directly at it, causing nuisance limit trips. Their solution is to remove the limit and cut half-inch strips of metal tape, approximately 4 inches long and put them through the whole of the limit to secure the insulation back to the jacket. No more limit trips. This bulletin is posted and available.Heil is a carrier brand. Great video thanks.

    • @BigCivilSac
      @BigCivilSac Год назад

      Hello, do you have some reference material to look at. I am having the same issue. The furnace blower was getting suffocated by the loose insulation above blower motor. The board showed code 33. I removed the loose insulation and still get code 33. I’m planning to replace the limit switch. The gas burners shuts off after couple of minutes. The furnace is about a 4 years old.

    • @brunoshvac2578
      @brunoshvac2578 Год назад +1

      @@BigCivilSac I was only referring to what I saw in the video and expanding on what he had done or explained. Unfortunately I have not diagnosed your situation so I wouldn’t be able to offer and useful information. I’d suggest calling a professional in your area. Good luck.

  • @TheIdeaLounge
    @TheIdeaLounge Год назад +2

    This was super helpful!! Thanks for making!

  • @renemolina4030
    @renemolina4030 Год назад +2

    Bro thank you, for spreading your knowledge u rock. I wanna become a super tech just like u.

  • @diaztechnicianllc8452
    @diaztechnicianllc8452 Год назад +2

    I’m Daniel from Chicago, good video hope you make more videos

  • @broncheemims8493
    @broncheemims8493 4 месяца назад +3

    Well done. It makes me dig a little deeper in my troubleshooting

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  4 месяца назад +1

      Good to hear Glad you liked the video

  • @davidhazas7162
    @davidhazas7162 Год назад +4

    Hey, if the return was too small then that could definitely have contributed to the short cycling of the heater and a cracked heat exchanger over time. Evap coil could have been dirty too. Good pointers. It's always my last measurement static pressure and too often I wish I would have went straight to it. That man needs a new unit. Good find.

  • @harolddalesr8365
    @harolddalesr8365 Год назад +2

    Here from southern Utah. Enjoy your show.

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад +2

      That is excellent so glad you're here brother

  • @romanjorgenson593
    @romanjorgenson593 Год назад +2

    Best video on RUclips! I owe you dinner and a hand shake!

  • @agustincastrejon5966
    @agustincastrejon5966 Год назад +2

    Nice video amigo, I learned a lot about you videos,,,, gracias] thanks I from Chicago I just started HVAC-R business,,

  • @isaelcortes3953
    @isaelcortes3953 2 месяца назад +1

    Awesome Tad, you always keep it 200%real !

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  2 месяца назад

      I'm glad you enjoyed the video!

  • @Oldsaintnick1980
    @Oldsaintnick1980 Месяц назад

    Outstanding! Perfect dialog! Calm Cool Collected! Thanks Tad! Keep up the good videos!
    Casper, Wyoming

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Месяц назад

      Thank you my man, appreciate the support!

  • @carlillos9921
    @carlillos9921 Год назад +2

    Love watching your videos Taddy.

  • @winstonchurchill3597
    @winstonchurchill3597 Месяц назад +1

    Very interesting video. I like to know how things work and really enjoy watching people who know what they're doing. I can tell within a few minutes if a guys a hack or a pro - You Sir, are a professional.

  • @Phillipscompletehomerepairs
    @Phillipscompletehomerepairs 2 месяца назад

    I learned that the 5 ton needs 2 return. I also like the servicing advice from cleaning the heat exchangers on maintenance. Thanks

  • @LawrenceKing-r4g
    @LawrenceKing-r4g Год назад +2

    Great video with good knowledge. Thanks for sharing

  • @amerlin388
    @amerlin388 3 месяца назад +1

    Thanks. I was thinking an appropriate subtitle could be "Discouraging the DIYer from fiddling with a furnace". 🙂
    I imagine better air filter(s) would help keep exchanger clean, but that would further restrict air flow making the additional return even more needed.

  • @BruceDuhamel
    @BruceDuhamel 2 месяца назад +1

    1140 am thx for your expertise going to take a look at my heat exchanger cabinets for corrosion and leaks❤

  • @jeffvardouniotis
    @jeffvardouniotis Год назад +2

    Just wanted you to know I followed every test in this video and found the secondary exchanger to be clean. Limit switch was 210 and thermistor showed 250 and if I remove the blower cover portion of the furnace the temp begins to rise past 250 so I have this feeling I’ll have the same outcome but this is now beyond my capabilities and I’m calling in a tech. January has to be the worst time to lose your heat 😢

  • @josevela7868
    @josevela7868 Год назад +2

    Maaaaan you really go into Depth your Amazing God Bless Always

  • @Full_Spectrum_Dominance
    @Full_Spectrum_Dominance 3 месяца назад +1

    Been researching this issue with my payne furnace.
    Thank you for this instruction.

    • @wkobayashim
      @wkobayashim 2 месяца назад

      @@Full_Spectrum_Dominance did you ever fix the issue?

    • @wkobayashim
      @wkobayashim 2 месяца назад

      Did you fix the issue?

  • @tonydiaz3168
    @tonydiaz3168 Год назад +3

    Nice job brother I learned a lot from this video

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад

      So glad to hear my friend. Thank you so much for watching

  • @USA-GreedyMenOfNoIntegrity
    @USA-GreedyMenOfNoIntegrity Год назад +2

    I always sell a high efficiency air cleaner with 90% of my jobs, yes even mobile homes. Saves a whole bunch of service calls.
    All you have to do is take a garden hose in through coil area and flush the coil and he out with foaming evaporator coil cleaner and water. Add a pan beneath the blower area to catch the water.

    • @TaddyDigest
      @TaddyDigest  Год назад

      Good stuff brother
      I like your style

  • @p.ben.8177
    @p.ben.8177 26 дней назад +1

    I have the first high eff. furnace from 1985 and its still going strong. I took it apart 2 yrs ago to clean it and the heat exchanger and A coil were spotless. I have a filter of course plus an electrostatic cleaner which must have done their jobs dispite 15 years of dogs.So I would suspect the real reason your furnace failed is poor filtering. BTW my furnace has no circuit board just simple easy to replace sensors etc which is why Im loath to replace it.

    • @metatechnologist
      @metatechnologist 26 дней назад

      @@p.ben.8177 Is this 90% efficient??

    • @p.ben.8177
      @p.ben.8177 26 дней назад

      @@metatechnologist yes or at least it was. I expect the "inside" of the heat exchangers have carbon build up judging by the amount of soot I vacuum out regularly around the burners.

    • @p.ben.8177
      @p.ben.8177 24 дня назад

      @@metatechnologist Was. ..has inducer motor..secondary heat exchanger etc. ..and the temp of the exhaust outside is just warm. I believe you can measure the efficientcy of a furnace by the btus that go "up the flue " so to speak. Whatever isnt blown outside must stay in the house....asuming you have complete combustion.

  • @ronnieosian864
    @ronnieosian864 4 месяца назад +1

    lol, at the fist bump on the cracked heatexchanger! make that money $$$ great video!

  • @ftofte2008
    @ftofte2008 10 месяцев назад +3

    Great video. You explained everything just fine. Thanks!

  • @JoseOrtiz-b4q
    @JoseOrtiz-b4q 23 дня назад

    Very good video, excellent explanation on primary, secondary heat exchanger and visually shown crack on heat exchanger.

  • @tedhicks5431
    @tedhicks5431 Год назад +2

    I remember yrs back ac kept freezing up with clean evaporator it was the secondary heat exchanger

  • @hectormercado8065
    @hectormercado8065 Месяц назад +1

    I think you nailed it. However, if the return wasn’t that small, the secondary heat would’ve not tripped the limit. It’s dirty but not plugged. Thoughts? 💭