Try original works.
This is a sketch for Blitz~~^^
He got enough Bear points so I drew one of his OC,Callum.
This is a sketch for Blitz~~^^

He got enough Bear points so I drew one of his OC,Callum.
Category All / All
Species Bear (Other)
Gender Male
Size 1000 x 1573px
File Size 1.14 MB
nope main character of my comic, pass of exile
Today is the day the mock battle will proceed at the arena of the stars
Commenter :and now everyone, it what you been waiting for! The mock batt between the ice God and the twilight god, and now on the left , he is a very skillful warrior that can control ice like it his life and of course the God of ice, I present u, blitz!
The fans of blitz:blitz! Yeah! Go and crush the enemy with your ice! We will cheer for you! ~
Blitz:*came from the left entrance*thank you 2×
Commenter:and now on the right side, the wizard idol and the God of twilight, he is handsome, sexy, cute and kind, a perfection, I present u, kyoya!
The fans of kyoya :kyoya sama! We will always cheer for you! Your so handsome! We love you!
Kyoya:*came from the right entrance*thank you ladies, may the cheer from you brings victory for me, and of course we cant forget about your smile ladies~
Commenter:well now, it time... For.. The battle... To... Begin!
Blitz:*change into one of his new suit with his ice blade*take this!
Kyoya:light make wings*making a pair of angel wings and Dodge it*fiuh~that was close~
Blitz:ice slash! *slash a shock of ice to kyoya*
Kyoya:dark make shield*make a dark barrier to block it*
Blitz:try to block this! Ice shotgun! *cast a spell that shoot ice crystals to kyoya*
Kyoya:dark and light make swords! *making a hundred of light and dark sword and shoot it to blitz*
Blitz:AAGH! *Dodge it and one of them hit blitz right hand and stabbed at the ground*
Kyoya*land to the ground and aim my swords at blitz*give up blitz?
Blitz:hnnnnghhh... Yes...
Commenter:and there you have it! The winner is... The wizard idol kyoya!!
Commenter:and of course, since this is a mock battle that has a punishment... And the punishment is~*put a collar at blitz and give a remote to kyoya*the loser has to obey the winner for 3 days!!
Blitz:WHAT!!!? ///////
kyoya :well this is interesting~
Commenter:the collar is set for three days, the collar seal his power unless you allowed it and if he don't obey you, just press that red button and it will shock him with tazer
Kyoya :so I got a slave huh~
Blitz:huwaaaaaa... ///////
Kyoya:*kiss blitz cheek*be a good cub and I will be gentle~
Blitz:master kyoya... //////
Kyoya:good slave~
after that battle, blitz has no choice and has to face by being an obedient cub for his new 3 days husky master~
Commenter :and now everyone, it what you been waiting for! The mock batt between the ice God and the twilight god, and now on the left , he is a very skillful warrior that can control ice like it his life and of course the God of ice, I present u, blitz!
The fans of blitz:blitz! Yeah! Go and crush the enemy with your ice! We will cheer for you! ~
Blitz:*came from the left entrance*thank you 2×
Commenter:and now on the right side, the wizard idol and the God of twilight, he is handsome, sexy, cute and kind, a perfection, I present u, kyoya!
The fans of kyoya :kyoya sama! We will always cheer for you! Your so handsome! We love you!
Kyoya:*came from the right entrance*thank you ladies, may the cheer from you brings victory for me, and of course we cant forget about your smile ladies~
Commenter:well now, it time... For.. The battle... To... Begin!
Blitz:*change into one of his new suit with his ice blade*take this!
Kyoya:light make wings*making a pair of angel wings and Dodge it*fiuh~that was close~
Blitz:ice slash! *slash a shock of ice to kyoya*
Kyoya:dark make shield*make a dark barrier to block it*
Blitz:try to block this! Ice shotgun! *cast a spell that shoot ice crystals to kyoya*
Kyoya:dark and light make swords! *making a hundred of light and dark sword and shoot it to blitz*
Blitz:AAGH! *Dodge it and one of them hit blitz right hand and stabbed at the ground*
Kyoya*land to the ground and aim my swords at blitz*give up blitz?
Blitz:hnnnnghhh... Yes...
Commenter:and there you have it! The winner is... The wizard idol kyoya!!
Commenter:and of course, since this is a mock battle that has a punishment... And the punishment is~*put a collar at blitz and give a remote to kyoya*the loser has to obey the winner for 3 days!!
Blitz:WHAT!!!? ///////
kyoya :well this is interesting~
Commenter:the collar is set for three days, the collar seal his power unless you allowed it and if he don't obey you, just press that red button and it will shock him with tazer
Kyoya :so I got a slave huh~
Blitz:huwaaaaaa... ///////
Kyoya:*kiss blitz cheek*be a good cub and I will be gentle~
Blitz:master kyoya... //////
Kyoya:good slave~
after that battle, blitz has no choice and has to face by being an obedient cub for his new 3 days husky master~
So.... You are not only just a vampire, but also have multiple identities?
From the story ,you have at least two marks.
One is on the head, it's Black Serpent mark.
Another is the mark of Kris' village...eh, where is it on your body?
Good story!thanks for writing,Eric~~! *hugs* you can get 1 bear point~~!
From the story ,you have at least two marks.
One is on the head, it's Black Serpent mark.
Another is the mark of Kris' village...eh, where is it on your body?
Good story!thanks for writing,Eric~~! *hugs* you can get 1 bear point~~!
The air was cold in the country side, the troops dispersed among the camp and were willing at the ready to support the massive assault against megalos army. The commanders prepared by their newly appointed leader and were looking at maps of their outposts at the ready to fight back.
Callum: allow me to say, its good to see everyone alive and well, its been a while since we met like this in the year since our raids, let us document the recent events before discussing the next stage.
Chief kaede and commander eiko entered holding the helmet of the general from the southern front, dying from their hand as he attempted to stop an ambush from the revolutionary front.
Eiko: commander Callum, it appears we have taken the southern stronghold at the border, some troops remain but we are picking them off one by one.
Callum: good, we need that are for scouts and engineers to work, they must keep all intel secret.
Kaede: we took the west not to long before hand and wish to know what our plan is for the north.
Callum: I see many parts of the country being freed from the golden horde but I still am wary of their threat, they are here for two reasons, our resources and the book of yue. General akio, come forth and give me the intel you made from the recent onslaught.
Akio: it seems the raiding parties aren’t as compentant as we first thought, your tribe holds the ground more favorably being able to use the land to their advantage, but also, their numbers don’t seem to rise back to the original that came here long ago.
Callum: so they wont be getting reinforcements, I like that. means soon we will outnumber them. I like those odds.
His face gave a smile as akio looked at him fondly and the group look at the maps of Megalos outposts and commands.
Callum: we need to support a raid here in the east front immedietly, after a year of battle its time we hit one of the biggest targets. We freed the minotaurs, we gained the advantage of the new world, and were making our mark.
An random wolf looks at points to the river and glaring at the troops.
Wolf: if we dump poisons into the water supply, the troops will be weak and we can pick them off easier, sounds good to me.
Callum: that wont work.
Wolf: and why is that oh great commander.
Callum: the water way goes into an irrigation system entering into the neighboring villages, I will not put their health at risk for the sake of war.
Wolf: their just random people in the outskirts of this land, we can handle a few casualites.
Callum: I will not drag any person not a part of this war as a martyr for a cause all our own, they did nothing wrong.
Wolf: they aren’t even Yue, so why care?
Callum: I will regard you hold your tongue at your leader this isn’t up for debate, there will be no killing of civilians on my watch, from either side.
Wolf: your father would of…….
Callum slams his fist on the table making everyone look as he looks stern at the Wolf as if to leave.
Callum: my father died long ago, he wouldn’t of put innocent lives at risk to make a battle easier……don’t try and make this difficult, I made my proclamation clear after saving Targus and the minotaurs that I wont drag the innocent into this.
Wolf: all this for revenge huh, you make it noble but…….
Drawing his sword and pointing it at the wolfs face, Callum eyes flare with rage as he proclaims once more his volition.
Callum: I will bury megalos upon our land, yes I will slaughter their lord and I will demolish their regime, but I will not allow another to fall in my place, I fight for my people, I die for my people. That is it.
Akio: callum, it appears you might need a bit of rest. I say we ajorn for now and come back when everyone is level headed, Kaede, you are in charge of raiding the north outpost, Eiko to the east. And when kane and azinu come back from their scouting mission. They will head west. That is all we can do for now.
Wolf: fucking forgiener giving orders, just cause you were trained to fight megalos doesn’t make you a god damn expert in the craft.
Akio: I came from another land yes, but Callum’s grandfather told me to protect him and the book at all costs, if that is what I must do then I shall.
Wolf: just another mans lap dog, guess the five clans are true to the rumors, bred to kill born to……..
Callum slams the books on the table leaving the tent looking back throwing a knife across the room grazing the wolfs cheek and stabbing the helmet placed on the shelf in front of him.
Callum: do not speak ill of the man I love, your conviction will get you and so many killed if you try to do what you wish. If anyone were to die on your watch and your alive coming back here, I will personally bury you next to them as restitution of an easily prevented death, now shut your mouth.
Going back to his tent, he slowly takes his armor off stretching and feeling his strained arms from combat, Akio enters and rubs his shoulders.
Akio: you’ve done so much lately, but you need rest. I know you haven’t slept much.
Callum: im sorry, I just got worried about everyone coming back safe and I know that the war effort is going well but…..theres still so much.
Akio: let me help you with that.
Taking off the rest of his armor, Akio feels Callums arms and legs massaging them as he lays on the bed moaning. Akio goes up kissing him softly as he wags his tail glad to see the face of innocent back on Callums face.
Akio: you know you’re an amazing fighter, you lead an whole army on your own and your rallying everyone together.
Callum: sometimes I feel is it enough to save us all.
Akio: you saved me remember. I was told to protect you but it seems every time your there for me more, and I cant get enough of it.
Licking Callum nose Akio looks at him smiling as they fall asleep in bed, the first good night sleep in a while that Callum felt with the man he loved by his side. The following day, Callum goes to the spring to bathe as Akio joins him and shivers getting in, Callum goes and wrapping his arms around the saizu wolf and kissing his head.
Akio: a day off would be good for you big guy.
Callum: oh come on were at war there are no free days.
Akio: you know better than anyone you need to clear your head plus.
Akio feels Callums cock in his hand and nuzzles him.
Callum: wait, I got a meeting to get to, I cant be…….oh by yue grace…..
Akio: lay back okay, last night was cuddles. Today I wanna make you feel good again.
Callum: its um…..gonna be a lot….
Akio: lets go back to the tent, your leaking already.
Callum: cause your……oh my…..
Licking Callums neck makes him twitch and sees Akio smiling back at him holding his hand.
Akio: I don’t see you in a year, and your talking war, come on big guy.
Going back, Callum sweats as he pounds akio from behind against the wall cumming and gushing out of him to the floor. One of the commanders comes in looking for them.
Commander: High priest…….uh……wow….um.
Both of them look in confusion and look at one another.
Commander: I will….give you both a minute…..sorry.
Akio: that was awkward…..
Callum: doesn’t matter to me, not the first time someone walked in on us.
Akio: don’t remind me of Kanes antics, damn scout hid his scent the whole time.
Callum: hes a weirdo yes, but appears our fun is over……..
Akio sees Callum saddened and kisses him putting his armor on and going hugging his loved one.
Callum: im sorry pup.
Akio: for what big guy?
Callum fondles akios bulge and looks at him in loving gaze.
Callum: that you didn’t get to cum yet.
Akio: silly bear, theres plenty of time for that later.
Going back the group meets pondering the invading forces coming from the main compound.
Callum: it appears their gathering aren’t they?
Kane and Azinu come in holding two documents and place them on the table.
Azinu: damen has prepared his troops well this time, looks like its getting arduous for us to pass through to the other side.
Kane: we noticed four groups of patrols entering from all corners.
Callum: so the normal assault wont do this time, we need something else to get an edge on it.
An elven women comes in with a massive orc and kneels before them.
Orc: commander and chief of the Orcs tribal unit and first brigade Shagol presenting to the high priest.
Elf: Elanor, Chief to the elves and commander of the elven archers reporting to you.
Callum: again…..sheesh I said no formalities. And I said to everyone I wont accept the position of high priest until the previous one is dead at my feet.
The wolf from the previous day comes back and looks down at himself as he cant seem to break words to Callum all while covered in blood and his armor damaged.
Callum: what in the name of Yue did you do?!?!
Wolf: present me as the general I am you sorry excuse of a leader.
Everyone looks at the general with contempt as he looks placing an bag on the table of metal ores and looks away.
Wolf: as general I had to act, I found the troop patrolling around our border and sent out my men to capture what they stole from the mines.
Callum: one bag…..one little sack of fucking iron……how many…..how many died!!!!
Wolf: …….22……I lost 22 men……but it was worth it…..
Everyone sees Callum holding his head and turning around marching out the tent as the commanders and chiefs start berating the wolf for his incompetence as Akio goes out and consoles him.
Akio: Callum? Its okay……its horrible yes, but we cant give into it now…..
Callum: where are the bodies, where are the comrades we lost?
Akio:……I don’t know…..i really don’t…..
Kane comes in with an Caravan of the bodies and kneels before Callum looking away.
Kane: I found them in the woods……..they were outnumbered…..severely
Callum: get the wolf out here now!!!!!
The commanders drag the wolf out to Callums feet as he points to the caravan.
Callum: tell me…..what fucking idea did you have to lead these men to their death…..not just that….but they were healers you idiot.
Wolf: I couldn’t use the scouts, the guards, or the…..
Callum punches him in the face toppling him over and looking into his eyes.
Callum: we lost a group of healers you traitor……these people were meant to save lives not take them…..you gave a sword to someone with little training and you led them to death!!!!
Wolf: I survived that’s all that matters to me……ask the runaway you suck off all the time….he should know.
Akio: just because I came from a home that raised others as soldiers doesn’t mean that we give up on our brothers, your just selfish and demeaning to the true embrace of the tribe. They accepted others like me without question for a better life and you go around and take it as an command to do as you will.
Wolf: you’re a bastard child who lost everything to the golden horde, same as the pathetic priest in front of me, if his mother were here she wouldn’t of let anyone die.
Callum: my mother was the high priestess before Damen shoved his nose into the tribe and manipulated us into a bloodbath, now we have the upper hand cause we agree on plans and unified, we spread the truth about him but now we see another route that wants to stray us from freedom.
Wolf: freedom…..what freedom is there……no matter what if we lay here in the land, we all die sooner or later. At least the men died with honor.
Callum: honor would be cremating or burying the ones fallen, you ran off like a pup in the night and claimed that it’s a victory.
Wolf: ill prove that my way is better, I never supported that Saizu coming here and getting an commanders position cause he takes your cock, we all worked for what we did and here we stand arguing amonst ourselves instead of killing the troops that led us here.
Akio: I will be more than happy to take you on if it means you see what value life has for those fallen.
Getting up, Callum steps aside as Akio draws his Katana and looks sternly at the Wolf drawing his.
Callum: akio……are you sure about this?
Akio: no doubt I need to do this, im tired of being called a traitor and not worth the effort of your war.
Callum: then as high priest I allow the battle, which will end when one is no longer capable to fight.
Wolf: I Hiroki, general of the second brigade welcome the battle to the “commander” akio of clan saizu to combat.
Hiroki lunges striking and colliding with Akios blade, the two clash meeting blow for blow as Akio goes and attempts to sweep Hiroki over with a kick only to be met with the handle of his blade to his helmet.
Akio: gah!!!!
Hiroki: not so tough now huh, the five clans must be weaker than I thought.
Akio: that’s what you think!!!
Getting angered, Akio drives him back his look changing as he pushes his katana through and clashes metal once more. Kicking him in the stomach, Akio knocks him down trying to drive his katana through only to see Hiroki roll over and stabs the ground. Punching akio in the face, he lands a blow driving him to the ground as well.
Hiroki: your pathetic……just a traitor from one land to another, when will you runaway again and leave our leader to die.
Akio kicks him in the face knocking him back and looking holding his katana angered his eyes tearing up.
Akio: I said this before when I told him how I felt……I will never let him die……EVER!!!!
The colliding blades flurry as akio strikes the katana out of Hiroki hand and flings it into the tree. Pointing it at his face, Callum calls the match and goes to akio bleeding from his nose.
Callum: rest now, you done enough……..
Akio: no one will ever tell me im a traitor for leaving a place that cant see the truth beyond their own selfish eyes. Ive been burned by my past but I will always hold Callums to another day through anything, including you.
Hiroki: strong words from someone like you.
Taking an tanto out from his chest plate, Hiroki rams it into Akios chest making him cough up blood. Kane and Kaede Draw their swords to his neck as Callum rips off Akios armor revealing the wound.
Callum: shhhh, hold still Akio……I know it hurts.
Biting his paw he drops blood around the wound taking an brush from his pouch and inscribes an symbol on akio chest.
Holding his palm his hand glows red as he pokes the inscription and seals the wound, the blood gone and akio breathes easily. His palm bleeding Callum looks intently into Hirokis eyes now blank and sullen.
Callum: you betray your men, you betrayed my orders, you betrayed your own kind……but now……for your betrayal to the yue.
Rushing in with his sword he drives it into Hirokis heart pushing him into the ground.
Callum: your sentence is death.
Taking him by the hair he holds his sword to Hirokis neck.
Callum: before you fall in your own conviction, any final words.
Hiroki: you will all burn following the weak.
Callum slits his throat bleeding him out and watching the life leave him and goes back over hugging akio tearing up.
Akio: its okay, im fine thanks to you.
Callum: im sorry…..just let me have this one moment.
Everyone sees the tears in his eyes and kneels before their priest in acknowledgment of his emotion.
Kane: its been a long time since we seen that look in your eyes, the stern warrior everyone knew always had a side that didn’t want to come out.
Azinu: it doesn’t make you weak, it shows us who you once were and grew to be. The leader we need to end this war.
Kaede: your father and mother bestowed their ideals and their ambition through their love in your eyes, when I see them I see both guiding us from the other side with Yue behind them the entire way.
Callum: gather the fallen to the pyres, tonight we recognize the sacrifice that will not be held in vain.
The night came as the moon rose above the mountains, full and abundant with the stars, the commanders and soldiers gathered as torches were lit setting a line of flames across the bodies. As they burned Callum in his armor holds his sword to his face.
Callum: by the bone of sword and bearing of fangs, the way of the Yue regards those lost as one that will go on another journey to the afterlife. May the fallen souls of the children of the moon be wisked through the night sky bearing the ashes of the bodies as the marker of their departure. The stars become their stairway to the heavens, as we gaze upward they peer down to see us move forward, keeping them in our hearts forever. We are the Tribe of the great Yue, the first healer of primal blood with her stories the greatest of heralds the world will see. By her conviction we will fight for the freedom of our people, human and primal alike. Need not orc or elf alike that will be treated any different, for we stand together to live another day.
The pyres begin lifting the ashes upward as Callum raises his sword to the moon glistening in the moonlight and calls upon the other to join. Everyone joins as Callum sheds a tear for his fallen soldiers and goes to his tent stern and calm until Akio comes and hugs him on the bed letting him break his tears and looks at the him kissing his nose laying him down in each others arms kissing goodnight. The two gaze as Callum goes pulling off Akios pants and sucks his cock gazing at the man he loves
Callum: I said I would keep my word.
Akio: come here my love.
Feeling Callums chest and muscles he runs his fingers across Callums scars holding him.
Callum: akio……
Akio: I wish I was here for you sooner than before we met, you were through so much and….
Callum kisses Akio as he lays him down.
Callum: that was the past, this is now. Falling into depravity wont help us, remember and reflect but never go back.
Akio: your so sweet.
Callum: id crawl through any fire to rescue you.
Kissing his wolf he leans back and feels Akio throbbing cock and slips it in lubed from precum.
Akio: god your tight….you never bottom.
Callum: it hurts, but I want you to love me as I love you.
Riding him akio shifts up wrapping his arms around Callum his head buried in his chest as he thursts into the bears tight hole.
Akio: god its so good!!!
Callum: please be gentle……..
Akio holds Callums face as they kiss passionately.
Akio: I never think of hurting you sweetie.
Switching to missionary, Callum grabs the sheets and akio flips him sideways fucking him as he busts his cum deep in Callums rear, pulling out and bending over licking it clean.
Callum: that was a lot pup.
Seeing Callum sprawled on the bed he goes up into his arms held as he strokes Callum licking his neck and making him cum once more. The two kissing as they wipe off and lay in bed together warm and naked.
Akio rubs Callums chest hearing him purr and lays his head down drifting off to sleep.
Akio: callum…..when this all ends…..i wanna travel with you…….be free and love you with all my heart without fear of the what comes from the horde….because you did something no on else did in my life.
Akio kisses callum once last time thinking to himself about everything the young warrior did.
Akio: you gave me the freedom to choose my own path for once in my life…..that is why I love you.
Callum: allow me to say, its good to see everyone alive and well, its been a while since we met like this in the year since our raids, let us document the recent events before discussing the next stage.
Chief kaede and commander eiko entered holding the helmet of the general from the southern front, dying from their hand as he attempted to stop an ambush from the revolutionary front.
Eiko: commander Callum, it appears we have taken the southern stronghold at the border, some troops remain but we are picking them off one by one.
Callum: good, we need that are for scouts and engineers to work, they must keep all intel secret.
Kaede: we took the west not to long before hand and wish to know what our plan is for the north.
Callum: I see many parts of the country being freed from the golden horde but I still am wary of their threat, they are here for two reasons, our resources and the book of yue. General akio, come forth and give me the intel you made from the recent onslaught.
Akio: it seems the raiding parties aren’t as compentant as we first thought, your tribe holds the ground more favorably being able to use the land to their advantage, but also, their numbers don’t seem to rise back to the original that came here long ago.
Callum: so they wont be getting reinforcements, I like that. means soon we will outnumber them. I like those odds.
His face gave a smile as akio looked at him fondly and the group look at the maps of Megalos outposts and commands.
Callum: we need to support a raid here in the east front immedietly, after a year of battle its time we hit one of the biggest targets. We freed the minotaurs, we gained the advantage of the new world, and were making our mark.
An random wolf looks at points to the river and glaring at the troops.
Wolf: if we dump poisons into the water supply, the troops will be weak and we can pick them off easier, sounds good to me.
Callum: that wont work.
Wolf: and why is that oh great commander.
Callum: the water way goes into an irrigation system entering into the neighboring villages, I will not put their health at risk for the sake of war.
Wolf: their just random people in the outskirts of this land, we can handle a few casualites.
Callum: I will not drag any person not a part of this war as a martyr for a cause all our own, they did nothing wrong.
Wolf: they aren’t even Yue, so why care?
Callum: I will regard you hold your tongue at your leader this isn’t up for debate, there will be no killing of civilians on my watch, from either side.
Wolf: your father would of…….
Callum slams his fist on the table making everyone look as he looks stern at the Wolf as if to leave.
Callum: my father died long ago, he wouldn’t of put innocent lives at risk to make a battle easier……don’t try and make this difficult, I made my proclamation clear after saving Targus and the minotaurs that I wont drag the innocent into this.
Wolf: all this for revenge huh, you make it noble but…….
Drawing his sword and pointing it at the wolfs face, Callum eyes flare with rage as he proclaims once more his volition.
Callum: I will bury megalos upon our land, yes I will slaughter their lord and I will demolish their regime, but I will not allow another to fall in my place, I fight for my people, I die for my people. That is it.
Akio: callum, it appears you might need a bit of rest. I say we ajorn for now and come back when everyone is level headed, Kaede, you are in charge of raiding the north outpost, Eiko to the east. And when kane and azinu come back from their scouting mission. They will head west. That is all we can do for now.
Wolf: fucking forgiener giving orders, just cause you were trained to fight megalos doesn’t make you a god damn expert in the craft.
Akio: I came from another land yes, but Callum’s grandfather told me to protect him and the book at all costs, if that is what I must do then I shall.
Wolf: just another mans lap dog, guess the five clans are true to the rumors, bred to kill born to……..
Callum slams the books on the table leaving the tent looking back throwing a knife across the room grazing the wolfs cheek and stabbing the helmet placed on the shelf in front of him.
Callum: do not speak ill of the man I love, your conviction will get you and so many killed if you try to do what you wish. If anyone were to die on your watch and your alive coming back here, I will personally bury you next to them as restitution of an easily prevented death, now shut your mouth.
Going back to his tent, he slowly takes his armor off stretching and feeling his strained arms from combat, Akio enters and rubs his shoulders.
Akio: you’ve done so much lately, but you need rest. I know you haven’t slept much.
Callum: im sorry, I just got worried about everyone coming back safe and I know that the war effort is going well but…..theres still so much.
Akio: let me help you with that.
Taking off the rest of his armor, Akio feels Callums arms and legs massaging them as he lays on the bed moaning. Akio goes up kissing him softly as he wags his tail glad to see the face of innocent back on Callums face.
Akio: you know you’re an amazing fighter, you lead an whole army on your own and your rallying everyone together.
Callum: sometimes I feel is it enough to save us all.
Akio: you saved me remember. I was told to protect you but it seems every time your there for me more, and I cant get enough of it.
Licking Callum nose Akio looks at him smiling as they fall asleep in bed, the first good night sleep in a while that Callum felt with the man he loved by his side. The following day, Callum goes to the spring to bathe as Akio joins him and shivers getting in, Callum goes and wrapping his arms around the saizu wolf and kissing his head.
Akio: a day off would be good for you big guy.
Callum: oh come on were at war there are no free days.
Akio: you know better than anyone you need to clear your head plus.
Akio feels Callums cock in his hand and nuzzles him.
Callum: wait, I got a meeting to get to, I cant be…….oh by yue grace…..
Akio: lay back okay, last night was cuddles. Today I wanna make you feel good again.
Callum: its um…..gonna be a lot….
Akio: lets go back to the tent, your leaking already.
Callum: cause your……oh my…..
Licking Callums neck makes him twitch and sees Akio smiling back at him holding his hand.
Akio: I don’t see you in a year, and your talking war, come on big guy.
Going back, Callum sweats as he pounds akio from behind against the wall cumming and gushing out of him to the floor. One of the commanders comes in looking for them.
Commander: High priest…….uh……wow….um.
Both of them look in confusion and look at one another.
Commander: I will….give you both a minute…..sorry.
Akio: that was awkward…..
Callum: doesn’t matter to me, not the first time someone walked in on us.
Akio: don’t remind me of Kanes antics, damn scout hid his scent the whole time.
Callum: hes a weirdo yes, but appears our fun is over……..
Akio sees Callum saddened and kisses him putting his armor on and going hugging his loved one.
Callum: im sorry pup.
Akio: for what big guy?
Callum fondles akios bulge and looks at him in loving gaze.
Callum: that you didn’t get to cum yet.
Akio: silly bear, theres plenty of time for that later.
Going back the group meets pondering the invading forces coming from the main compound.
Callum: it appears their gathering aren’t they?
Kane and Azinu come in holding two documents and place them on the table.
Azinu: damen has prepared his troops well this time, looks like its getting arduous for us to pass through to the other side.
Kane: we noticed four groups of patrols entering from all corners.
Callum: so the normal assault wont do this time, we need something else to get an edge on it.
An elven women comes in with a massive orc and kneels before them.
Orc: commander and chief of the Orcs tribal unit and first brigade Shagol presenting to the high priest.
Elf: Elanor, Chief to the elves and commander of the elven archers reporting to you.
Callum: again…..sheesh I said no formalities. And I said to everyone I wont accept the position of high priest until the previous one is dead at my feet.
The wolf from the previous day comes back and looks down at himself as he cant seem to break words to Callum all while covered in blood and his armor damaged.
Callum: what in the name of Yue did you do?!?!
Wolf: present me as the general I am you sorry excuse of a leader.
Everyone looks at the general with contempt as he looks placing an bag on the table of metal ores and looks away.
Wolf: as general I had to act, I found the troop patrolling around our border and sent out my men to capture what they stole from the mines.
Callum: one bag…..one little sack of fucking iron……how many…..how many died!!!!
Wolf: …….22……I lost 22 men……but it was worth it…..
Everyone sees Callum holding his head and turning around marching out the tent as the commanders and chiefs start berating the wolf for his incompetence as Akio goes out and consoles him.
Akio: Callum? Its okay……its horrible yes, but we cant give into it now…..
Callum: where are the bodies, where are the comrades we lost?
Akio:……I don’t know…..i really don’t…..
Kane comes in with an Caravan of the bodies and kneels before Callum looking away.
Kane: I found them in the woods……..they were outnumbered…..severely
Callum: get the wolf out here now!!!!!
The commanders drag the wolf out to Callums feet as he points to the caravan.
Callum: tell me…..what fucking idea did you have to lead these men to their death…..not just that….but they were healers you idiot.
Wolf: I couldn’t use the scouts, the guards, or the…..
Callum punches him in the face toppling him over and looking into his eyes.
Callum: we lost a group of healers you traitor……these people were meant to save lives not take them…..you gave a sword to someone with little training and you led them to death!!!!
Wolf: I survived that’s all that matters to me……ask the runaway you suck off all the time….he should know.
Akio: just because I came from a home that raised others as soldiers doesn’t mean that we give up on our brothers, your just selfish and demeaning to the true embrace of the tribe. They accepted others like me without question for a better life and you go around and take it as an command to do as you will.
Wolf: you’re a bastard child who lost everything to the golden horde, same as the pathetic priest in front of me, if his mother were here she wouldn’t of let anyone die.
Callum: my mother was the high priestess before Damen shoved his nose into the tribe and manipulated us into a bloodbath, now we have the upper hand cause we agree on plans and unified, we spread the truth about him but now we see another route that wants to stray us from freedom.
Wolf: freedom…..what freedom is there……no matter what if we lay here in the land, we all die sooner or later. At least the men died with honor.
Callum: honor would be cremating or burying the ones fallen, you ran off like a pup in the night and claimed that it’s a victory.
Wolf: ill prove that my way is better, I never supported that Saizu coming here and getting an commanders position cause he takes your cock, we all worked for what we did and here we stand arguing amonst ourselves instead of killing the troops that led us here.
Akio: I will be more than happy to take you on if it means you see what value life has for those fallen.
Getting up, Callum steps aside as Akio draws his Katana and looks sternly at the Wolf drawing his.
Callum: akio……are you sure about this?
Akio: no doubt I need to do this, im tired of being called a traitor and not worth the effort of your war.
Callum: then as high priest I allow the battle, which will end when one is no longer capable to fight.
Wolf: I Hiroki, general of the second brigade welcome the battle to the “commander” akio of clan saizu to combat.
Hiroki lunges striking and colliding with Akios blade, the two clash meeting blow for blow as Akio goes and attempts to sweep Hiroki over with a kick only to be met with the handle of his blade to his helmet.
Akio: gah!!!!
Hiroki: not so tough now huh, the five clans must be weaker than I thought.
Akio: that’s what you think!!!
Getting angered, Akio drives him back his look changing as he pushes his katana through and clashes metal once more. Kicking him in the stomach, Akio knocks him down trying to drive his katana through only to see Hiroki roll over and stabs the ground. Punching akio in the face, he lands a blow driving him to the ground as well.
Hiroki: your pathetic……just a traitor from one land to another, when will you runaway again and leave our leader to die.
Akio kicks him in the face knocking him back and looking holding his katana angered his eyes tearing up.
Akio: I said this before when I told him how I felt……I will never let him die……EVER!!!!
The colliding blades flurry as akio strikes the katana out of Hiroki hand and flings it into the tree. Pointing it at his face, Callum calls the match and goes to akio bleeding from his nose.
Callum: rest now, you done enough……..
Akio: no one will ever tell me im a traitor for leaving a place that cant see the truth beyond their own selfish eyes. Ive been burned by my past but I will always hold Callums to another day through anything, including you.
Hiroki: strong words from someone like you.
Taking an tanto out from his chest plate, Hiroki rams it into Akios chest making him cough up blood. Kane and Kaede Draw their swords to his neck as Callum rips off Akios armor revealing the wound.
Callum: shhhh, hold still Akio……I know it hurts.
Biting his paw he drops blood around the wound taking an brush from his pouch and inscribes an symbol on akio chest.
Holding his palm his hand glows red as he pokes the inscription and seals the wound, the blood gone and akio breathes easily. His palm bleeding Callum looks intently into Hirokis eyes now blank and sullen.
Callum: you betray your men, you betrayed my orders, you betrayed your own kind……but now……for your betrayal to the yue.
Rushing in with his sword he drives it into Hirokis heart pushing him into the ground.
Callum: your sentence is death.
Taking him by the hair he holds his sword to Hirokis neck.
Callum: before you fall in your own conviction, any final words.
Hiroki: you will all burn following the weak.
Callum slits his throat bleeding him out and watching the life leave him and goes back over hugging akio tearing up.
Akio: its okay, im fine thanks to you.
Callum: im sorry…..just let me have this one moment.
Everyone sees the tears in his eyes and kneels before their priest in acknowledgment of his emotion.
Kane: its been a long time since we seen that look in your eyes, the stern warrior everyone knew always had a side that didn’t want to come out.
Azinu: it doesn’t make you weak, it shows us who you once were and grew to be. The leader we need to end this war.
Kaede: your father and mother bestowed their ideals and their ambition through their love in your eyes, when I see them I see both guiding us from the other side with Yue behind them the entire way.
Callum: gather the fallen to the pyres, tonight we recognize the sacrifice that will not be held in vain.
The night came as the moon rose above the mountains, full and abundant with the stars, the commanders and soldiers gathered as torches were lit setting a line of flames across the bodies. As they burned Callum in his armor holds his sword to his face.
Callum: by the bone of sword and bearing of fangs, the way of the Yue regards those lost as one that will go on another journey to the afterlife. May the fallen souls of the children of the moon be wisked through the night sky bearing the ashes of the bodies as the marker of their departure. The stars become their stairway to the heavens, as we gaze upward they peer down to see us move forward, keeping them in our hearts forever. We are the Tribe of the great Yue, the first healer of primal blood with her stories the greatest of heralds the world will see. By her conviction we will fight for the freedom of our people, human and primal alike. Need not orc or elf alike that will be treated any different, for we stand together to live another day.
The pyres begin lifting the ashes upward as Callum raises his sword to the moon glistening in the moonlight and calls upon the other to join. Everyone joins as Callum sheds a tear for his fallen soldiers and goes to his tent stern and calm until Akio comes and hugs him on the bed letting him break his tears and looks at the him kissing his nose laying him down in each others arms kissing goodnight. The two gaze as Callum goes pulling off Akios pants and sucks his cock gazing at the man he loves
Callum: I said I would keep my word.
Akio: come here my love.
Feeling Callums chest and muscles he runs his fingers across Callums scars holding him.
Callum: akio……
Akio: I wish I was here for you sooner than before we met, you were through so much and….
Callum kisses Akio as he lays him down.
Callum: that was the past, this is now. Falling into depravity wont help us, remember and reflect but never go back.
Akio: your so sweet.
Callum: id crawl through any fire to rescue you.
Kissing his wolf he leans back and feels Akio throbbing cock and slips it in lubed from precum.
Akio: god your tight….you never bottom.
Callum: it hurts, but I want you to love me as I love you.
Riding him akio shifts up wrapping his arms around Callum his head buried in his chest as he thursts into the bears tight hole.
Akio: god its so good!!!
Callum: please be gentle……..
Akio holds Callums face as they kiss passionately.
Akio: I never think of hurting you sweetie.
Switching to missionary, Callum grabs the sheets and akio flips him sideways fucking him as he busts his cum deep in Callums rear, pulling out and bending over licking it clean.
Callum: that was a lot pup.
Seeing Callum sprawled on the bed he goes up into his arms held as he strokes Callum licking his neck and making him cum once more. The two kissing as they wipe off and lay in bed together warm and naked.
Akio rubs Callums chest hearing him purr and lays his head down drifting off to sleep.
Akio: callum…..when this all ends…..i wanna travel with you…….be free and love you with all my heart without fear of the what comes from the horde….because you did something no on else did in my life.
Akio kisses callum once last time thinking to himself about everything the young warrior did.
Akio: you gave me the freedom to choose my own path for once in my life…..that is why I love you.
The book of yue,you make me think about this.XD
For the beginning of the conversation, Hiroki's words were so mean, sharp and full of discrimination.
I agree with all Callum's strategies and warnings.
The sex scene is also divided into front and rear sections, and the front section was interrupted because of the commander.XD
The duel in the second half was very amazing.
I also think that Hiroki is a complete traitor.
Let him stay in the army would only create trouble.
He also made many important healers sacrificed, only death is what he deserved.
Finally, Callum and Akio had a sweet dream after the climax of love!
The number of words this time is probably broken by 20,000 words....
You keep breaking your own record!
Very briliiant story,every part is very delicate and specific!
Thanks for writing, Blitz~~! *hugs* you can get 1 bear point~~!
BP: 2
For the beginning of the conversation, Hiroki's words were so mean, sharp and full of discrimination.
I agree with all Callum's strategies and warnings.
The sex scene is also divided into front and rear sections, and the front section was interrupted because of the commander.XD
The duel in the second half was very amazing.
I also think that Hiroki is a complete traitor.
Let him stay in the army would only create trouble.
He also made many important healers sacrificed, only death is what he deserved.
Finally, Callum and Akio had a sweet dream after the climax of love!
The number of words this time is probably broken by 20,000 words....
You keep breaking your own record!
Very briliiant story,every part is very delicate and specific!
Thanks for writing, Blitz~~! *hugs* you can get 1 bear point~~!
BP: 2