Views: 751
Submissions: 23
Favs: 337

Digital Artist | Registered: Dec 10, 2016 05:46
I'm just your regular fella who likes drawing buff fellas.
This page holds NSFW content, and only 18+ individuals are welcome.
This page holds NSFW content, and only 18+ individuals are welcome.
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Comments Earned: 17
Comments Made: 1
Journals: 1
Comments Made: 1
Journals: 1
Recent Journal
Commission information
8 years ago
Hello everyone! Clambar here.
I realize I'm not the most active, and haven't said much on this page, however I'm hoping to change that.
I'm also here to say that I'm in a tight spot.
I've recently left an abusive home and have moved in with someone who loves me unconditionally, however the expenses that this has cost me is overwhelming.
In an effort to pay my bills, I'm opening commissions at a steal price.
I'm doing 3 line art drawings for 20$. If you're interested in commissioning me, please message me immediately as this is somewhat dire.
I'm opening to doing OCs, fanart, NSFW or SFW if that's your thing. There are few things I won't do and I am willing to negotiate prices due to the desperation.
Lastly, the more money I can make from completing art to share with you all, the more time I can put in to churning out more content for you. I'd also like to thank all of you for following me, and hope you all love the content!
Thank you all so much, I hope to hear from you!
I realize I'm not the most active, and haven't said much on this page, however I'm hoping to change that.
I'm also here to say that I'm in a tight spot.
I've recently left an abusive home and have moved in with someone who loves me unconditionally, however the expenses that this has cost me is overwhelming.
In an effort to pay my bills, I'm opening commissions at a steal price.
I'm doing 3 line art drawings for 20$. If you're interested in commissioning me, please message me immediately as this is somewhat dire.
I'm opening to doing OCs, fanart, NSFW or SFW if that's your thing. There are few things I won't do and I am willing to negotiate prices due to the desperation.
Lastly, the more money I can make from completing art to share with you all, the more time I can put in to churning out more content for you. I'd also like to thank all of you for following me, and hope you all love the content!
Thank you all so much, I hope to hear from you!
User Profile
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No Accepting Commissions
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Favorite Music
Sad Folk Yelling