- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Original Video - • KING VONQUEST had INVI...
Instrumental Produced by
Twitch - / clutchgonegaming
Patreon - / intheclutch
Snipfeed - Развлечения
Conquest was on the most devious demon timing. This is Goku if he never hit his head as a kid
That is the most accurate statement Ive heard all week and that’s terrifying
Kakarot is always on demon time 😭
Wym 😭😂
Na he would’ve just boomed the planet as soon as he learned the ki blast 😤😂
@@901havenbaby7 Nah Goku loves to fight. He wouldn't just blow a planet with his ancestry
That man was really suffering from success😭
King VonQuest is absolutely diabolical work. Laughed for a solid minute 😂
Anissa wasn't kidding when she said "someone 10 times worse"
Mark "Seems like I'm getting packed up every season despite being strong." 😂
Bro always holds back until his family gets hurt 😭
Bro fr. I’m getting so tired of people like Cecil saying he’s the planet’s strongest super hero?.. like he COULD be.. but he ain’t if we’re being honest.
Bro EVE put up a better and more interesting fight against conquest, she was putting in WORK.. and tbh SHE’s the reason Mark won. Did the most damage to actually lead to him losing.. man Oliver had more heart when pulling up on Conquest.
@@summerking-wq1sdyeah… no. Eve and Oliver would have been dead if they 1v1d conquest. Sure Eve definitely helped mark out. But without mark they’d all be dead. The only thing Eve did that was effective was burn off his skin. Mark carried heavy. Don’t try to disrespect my man. You downplaying him getting whooped against one of the strongest viltrumites. If he has other ultimates scared what do you think that means? And he is the planets strongest superhero lol.
Well yeah. Trauma will do that to you when you try so hard not to be like your mass murderer dad. That’s why he stops holding back after this season
@@locusxe1411 mark ain’t carry nothing lmao. Conquest if anything gassed himself out dragging this man literally across multiple states and islands. Eve literally put up a better fight where conquest had to use his actual head!.. cause she doesn’t just have brute strength like them. Conquest had to dodge and move around to get to his target.
Obviously NONE could take him by themselves.. but that same applies especially to Mark. He wouldn’t have beaten Conquest without the interruptions from Oliver and the actual FATAL damages Eve put up. She literally burned 90% percent of his body to the point that his actual clothes and skin are gone.
What do you mean? She did more damage to him while he was effective than he ever did.
It’s the Superman/batman argument. Yes Superman is stronger, but Batman is smarter and if given those abilities, would use them better than Superman. Same applies here. Mark is stronger than both Oliver and Eve. But especially in Eve’s case, she moved smarter in combat.
Glenn really got his get back in another universe against Negan.
Why am I so locked in and I’ve never seen this show? A day in my life
You should watch the show. It's really good.
It’s so good, one of the best shows out right now
You got a lot to catch up on my boy. You got a year to watch three seasons before season four come out next year.
I just binged S3 so this is perfect timing! Conquest was fr on DEMON timing. Glenn got his lick back on Negan from The Walking Dead. I genuinely thought Mark was gonna need Allen & his dad/Omni-Man to make the save.
His girl had his back tho (Atom Eve feels like a hybrid of Green Lantern & Scarlet Witch + Phoenix) and Invincible ultimately proved he got that DAWG in him. I’m so excited to see the future events of this series & the incoming Viltrumite War! 🔥
This man Conquest is basically the Broly of the Invincible universe. Bro saying “I’m so lonely” is basically the same as Broly saying “Kakarot, how much do you love your son?”😂
Not reallyyy
Broly of Invincible hasn't been introduced yet😂
Just wait til THRAGG shows up, ya ain’t ready for him 😂😂‼️‼️
Season 4 is gonna feed nations🙏🏿
@@redrkt2478 he probably won't be in it as much as we think Amazon did system season 4 is gonna have more content to avoid spoiler this time if I'm correct
The Viltrumite with a cleaner fade than Marcus Freeman😤
Mark in comics: 😤
Mark in the series: 🤕
Invincible vs Conquest Glenn vs Negan.
Love this season of invincible
Conquest is voiced by Jeffrey Dean Morgan who is also of walking dead fame. steven yeun voices mark so in a way negan is pounding pouring Glenn all over again. In a way Glenn got his get back just in a different universe.
Conquest Definitely had Black Air Force Activity 😂😂
Conquest wanted no bread no water just meat
I absolutely love how this is a meme and its making fun of this fight but yall were low-key invested in the actual fight which is a great thing cause its arguably IMO the best animated fight ive seen so far so much devastation and killing😂😂
I thought he was gonna use that bubble as a projectile when I was watching
Remember the mental block that was put on her as a kid when she had her own episode. The mental block was released kind of like a fail safe to save her in her time of need
I feel like this single episode alone has man Invincible even more popular and mainstream now. There are so many RUclips channels talking about it!
This was round 2 for Glenn and Negan from Walking Dead. Glenn finally got his lick back after this episode 😂
Conquest is one of the most diabolical villains I've ever witnessed 😂
Phew… wait until you see Thragg either next season or season 5. He’s the only thing King Vonquest fears 😂
I love invincible. One of the best animated shows ever honestly.
Another great reaction guys👍👏🔥🔥
I’m patiently waiting for Thragg to show up next season
I'mma need to know who his barber is
Conquest is Nappa. Very much Nappa without a leash.
As a matter of fact, Nolan is like a variant of Cell/buu Saga Vegeta.
Battle Beast is Broly.
The only thing I will say is, and this isnt a spoiler, I cannot wait until you guys see Thragg. He is a true crashout with the cleanest hairline. A YN Freddie Mercury.
i didn't know king von's full name was vonquest
That fight was epic
Bro this whole fight was like the DBZ Broly, conquest was beating mark just for the love of the game 😂
Yea that last episode was crazy
Oliver is only eleven months old
Got my boy Cooluno on the channel. It's free eats
Conquest was a demon
King vonquest is insane like who comes up with these names🤣 jokes aside this fight was more brutal than the omni man fight
I've been waiting for y'all to react to this
Yall should react to acevane quarantine days
He’s too funny I am in tears right now 😂 😂😂 😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭
When I first saw this fight. It scared the shit outta me
1:46-3:47-5:34-11:50-15:25 😖
2:40-15:53 😂
3:07 Hey yoo 😂
5:41 The Slap 😂
Fun fact conquest’s voice actor was the same dude who voiced negan from TWD
Conquest is just a old school Savage.
I can't wait for people to meet Thragg in Season 4 bro
Packed up a city just from fighting. Half the population is just gone
Dude ain’t even say what he said to Oliver bruh. “I’m going to eat your heart.” And when he was ripping him in half, “this is going to be amazing”💀💀💀💀
😂😂😂😂 can’t wait for season 4 and 18:10 facts
Damn i missed y'all
Eve got that new body upgrade mark like she got that zero mileaaaagggeeee
I’m ngl! My reaction to Conquest saying he suffers from his own success had me shook ! Bro was Unc was cooking with that line 😭
Mannn I thought it was going to be the CJ DA CHAMP VIDEO MAN
conquest kinda reminds of Nappa
My Brotha's!Have a good evening & anyone else reading this!!!👍👍
You guys should listen to westside guns album pray for Paris it’s a bit different from Drake and Kendrick but I think you guys should check it out on the next 12 hour stream
react to invincible vs dragon ball crossover.
this is a CARTOON and i have no stomach for this DX even Majin Vegeta would be like, YO, *STOP* !!
"Victim of my own Success" that sounds like some shit Heel John Cena would say
You guys should react to more of cooluno_9
Yall gotta get on the last cj video
Put me down lol
Wait.. where the hrll was the camera man for them to see that on tv?
+Clutch Gone Rogue yall got to react cj dachamp he did The Trial of Conquest and The Most Disrespectful of Moments in Anime sports edition on his channel
I should have known CJ himself was immediately saving his character because Conquest literally is so brutal beyond anything even the other vitamins was not messing with him and he'll even abused children I don't think Omni man would have even mess with Conquest
ayee b day post 27 Gang 🎉🎉🎉
DAMN! 😅😅😅
Idc, mark earned every bit of kitty that night from surviving king vonquest 😂😂😂
Cecil didn't revive him he was never dead 😂. They had no way to kill him other than by mark
is that jeffrey dean Morgan aka negan as king von?
Respectfully tbh CJ dachamp do a better jobs than whoever this guy is they watching
Love CJ but nah this dude lowkey funnier CJ is just more animated and creative production wise
@ nah he not funnier but we have our different taste, but it’s okay older people around dub and Ross age probably understand this guys bland humor over CJ da champs videos
Why you guys watching a voice over rather than the real animation??
Did yall not watch the show???
That’s what I’m saying
Dub don’t watch Invincible? You missing out bro
Idk why yall won’t just watch the show and react to it……….Youd get views
Naw Cecil still in the right lol
react to every character in dragon ball is racest.
I'm sorry, but CJ DaChamp does a better recap than whoever this guy they are playing does.
CJ dachamp