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Prize crossword No 29,566

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1 across. Clownish crack, then some dialogue with question from Manuel. 12 letters.
8 across. In report, I dismiss solution for viewer’s complaint. 3-4 letters.
9 across. In bar, oddly tall American’s way to get into beer? 4-3 letters.
11 across. Skipped university’s boring old kind of talk. 7 letters.
12 across. Soldiers defending base that’s horrid poorly. 7 letters.
13 across. Was a diner in Scotland empty or full? 5 letters.
14 across. Monet works inspiring Catherine, not end of Harry Potter antihero. 3 letters and 6 letters.
16 across. Runner beans prepared with cod, right? 9 letters.
19 across. Absorbed by concert, hum Pulp hit. 5 letters.
21 across. Remove religious character from Alice’s parties gatecrashed by Picaroon. 7 letters.
23 across. <span>Fun for someone watching Sky? </span><i>Doctor Who</i><span>’s broadcast first</span>. 7 letters.
24 across. Sign one’s dropped off really entertaining new phone. 7 letters.
25 across. Worker invested in secure capital. 5 letters and 2 letters.
26 across. Ring component had soldering messed up. 3 letters and 9 letters.
1 down. Drug dealer caught with two different drugs on film. 7 letters.
2 down. Blew up article judged to have low energy efficiency? 7 letters.
3 down. Chum from down under I saw getting stoned. 9 letters.
4 down. Gently prodding Mr Bean’s back or other body parts. 5 letters.
5 down. Courses one’s consuming blinking upset. 7 letters.
6 down. Straighten out case of urchin, a workhouse orphan. 7 letters.
7 down. Works with a moral American promoted in e-sales, admitting work’s great. 6 letters and 6 letters.
10 down. Pocketing half a grand, group flying over ground in Leicester means to make better dough. 6 letters and 6 letters.
15 down. It leaves you damned little time to grab salt or nuts. 6 letters and 3 letters.
17 down. Where Victoria’s found filling bath for philosopher. 7 letters.
18 down. Actor may win this Oscar, one carried by large German figure. 7 letters.
19 down. Cheers rave round European city. 7 letters.
20 down. Wanting auditors, run into António Guterres? 7 letters.
22 down. Sub-par performance from Crystal Palace player. 5 letters.
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