TOOL - Eulogy (Audio)
- Опубликовано: 17 мар 2025
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#TOOL #AEnima #Eulogy
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
We are going to miss him
We are going to miss him
So long
We wish you well
You told us how you weren't afraid to die
Well, so long
Don't cry
Or feel too down
Not all martyrs see divinity
But at least you tried
Standing above the crowd
He had a voice that was strong and loud
We'll miss him, we'll miss him
Ranting and pointing his finger
At everything but his heart
We'll miss him, we'll miss him
We are going to miss him
We are going to miss him
Yeah, no way, yeah to recall
What it was that you had said to me
Like I care at all
But it was so loud
You sure could yell
You took a stand on every little thing
And it was so loud
You could be the one
Who saves me from
My own existence
Warn while some child
Might chill, nine one two
(I'm too smart when you're invisible)
(By the bone symbol on you)
(So he bashed his skull through the window)
(While looking out to the sea)
(Like torment of my ego)
(And we're amused by this)
Yeah, standing above the crowd
He had a voice that was strong and loud and I
Swallowed his facade 'cause I'm so eager to identify with
Someone above the ground
Someone who seemed to feel the same
Someone prepared to lead the way, and
Someone who would die for me
Will you? Will you now?
Would you die for me?
Don't you fuckin' lie
Don't you step out of line
Don't you step out of line
Don't you step out of line
Don't you fuckin' lie
You've claimed all this time that you would die for me
Why then are you so surprised when hear your own eulogy?
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
Come down
Get off your fuckin' cross
We need the fuckin' space
To nail the next fool martyr
To ascend you must die
You must be crucified
For our sins and our lies
Goodbye Видеоклипы
I remember this 50 year old woman who I worked with and I had just started working there BACK IN LIKE 04.... They let us bring radios in on weekends at our stations.... I heard this old lady screeching "DON`T YOU STEP OUT OF LINE. DON`T YOU STEP OUT OF LINE DON`T YOU FUCKING LIE" across this huge factory.... Man it was so funny/awesome. I gave her a copy of 10,000 days when it was leaked, she was so stoked.... Then she got caught smoking crack and I never saw her again.
Turk , dude I’m dead on the ground laughing 😆 wtf!!!!!dude I can’t Stop laughing I was not expecting your comment to end like that. LMFAO,,😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣😂😅😅😂🤣😂
The berson below me is gay
What a happy ending to this beautiful story.
Epic shit
It makes me soooo happy when I come across teenagers and people in their early 20s loving Tool. I wore my Fear Innoculum hoodie at the bank, and the teller wouldn't stop talking about Tool. He was like 20 years younger than me, but I was proud! Good choice kid!
Im 16 and remember just loving the sound of schism when i was 4. Pantera, TooL, black sabbath, korn alice in chains among others are my favorites. I have to say, tool is my favorite band because there are so many layers and meanings behind the music. No one comes close in my opinion. Also Danny Carry is an extra terrestrial lol.
@@BRB_Guitar lol. He is. 👍😁
17 here and I've been listening to tool since I was atleast 7, lol I love tool more than my dad
@@BRB_Guitar now that's what I'm taking about! It's nice to see someone else my age listens to those bands
Help me hell yeah!
The beginning reminds me of when Gary from Spongebob started smacking his eyes together to make a song
If you look in the credits of that episode it gives credit to this song so its entirely possible
I have said this for years !! It sounds exactly like Gary from Spongebob nobody ever knew what I was going on about
I just laughed so loud😂
Literally same this is how i describe this song to ppl
I literally die for the moment Mayrnad sings: "Not all martyrs see divinity, but at least you tried"
I don't understand that line.....what exactly do u make of it Plez explain it to me.
@@Hhhhh-c2q In religious beliefs, an individual who dies in a war over a principle (divinity/god here), becomes a martyr. The sacrifice in its most purest form has the privilege of visitng paradise and see the divinity. Maynard furthers the idiosyncrasy of this concept and claims that not all who die for their beliefs can visit "the very first reason" they have been martyred for. This prevarication reflects not only on absurdness of being killed for a belief that might be a futile principle initially, but also admires the virtue of a person who is totally devoted to an idealogical phenomenon. Note: I am not a religious person, and I praise his lyrics merely for its metaphorical representation :)
@@Hhhhh-c2q Having knowledge over philosophical or religious concepts does not necessarily make an individual a follower of a certain belief. I am personally against any idealogical commissions. It is like calling Maynard a religious person for using religious metaphores right?! ;)
@@sinaarasteh1636 right .
Opiate: Aggression
Undertow: Realization
Aenima: Reaction
Salival: Experimentation
Lateralus: Resolution
10,000 Days: Reflection
Fear Inoculum: Meditation
Fear inoculum: Let's spit an album to shut those shits up...then absorb into the aenima.
Paul Shearon, hurr durperion.
Descriptions? Priceless.
@@anteyefolkzz7755 Hotel? Trivago.
98' Tool opened with this at the first Coachella. It was the loudest thing I've ever heard. I thought my skull was going to shatter.
'97 Tool at Convention Hall. Beyond amazing
That's sounds pretty metal. I saw them at Coachella, not sure what year but it was when NIN and them played, pretty amazing
I'm jealous even though at that time I was eight. Now they'll play tomorrow at the stadium I work at .... Im dying to heard this as loud as possible!!! ❤
So you're saying he sure could yell...
Mad jealous. Even if I was 8 then lbvs
My dad took this cd away from me when I wax 10. I snuck in his room and grabbed it and recorded it on cassette and put the cd back in his room before he noticed
Good ol days. The origins of musical piracy...I did the same back in the day 👍
Haha that's Metal af
Modern problems require modern solutions. Lmao. My parents were like that too. I taped everything.
And fuck religious authority! I'm not part of their little ancient book club.
Damn, my boy I'd buy the cd myself and put it right in your hands.
I dont know if there will ever be a band as impactful as Tool ever again on our planet. I really mean that.
you are correct. No band comes close
No where close!
Well, I was 5 when Sgt Pepper came into our house in '67. Changed my entire life's trajectory, that album did.
In some strange way I guess The Beatles prepared me for things to come, and Led Zeppelin was perhaps the next band that blew my mind wider open. There were others - Jimi Hendrix, etc...
But Tool - man, I just don't think there's anything else beyond this. Mind blown permanently.
impactful isnt a word
@@johncastrission3986 uhh, yeah, it is, dumbass. Maybe Google things before making a fool of yourself.
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
We're gonna miss him
We're gonna miss him
So long
We wish you well
You told us how you weren't afraid to die
Well, so long
Don't cry
Or feel too down
Not all martyrs see divinity
But at least you tried
Standing above the crowd
He had a voice that was strong and loud
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
Ranting and pointing his finger
At everything but his heart
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
We're gonna miss him
We're gonna miss him
No way to recall
What it was that you had said to me?
Like I care at all
But it was so loud
You sure could yell
You took a stand on every little thing
And so loud
You could be the one who saves me from my own existence
Warn while some child might chill, nine-one-two
I'm too smart when you're invisible by the bone symbol on you
So he bashes his skull through the window while looking out to the sea
Like torment of my ego
And we're amused by this
Yeah, standing above the crowd
He had a voice that was strong and loud and I
Swallowed his facade 'cause I'm so
Eager to identify with
Someone above the ground
Someone who seemed to feel the same
Someone prepared to lead the way
And someone who would die for me
Will you?
Will you now?
Would you die for me?
Don't you fuckin' lie
Don't you step out of line
Don't you step out of line
Don't you step out of line
Don't you fuckin' lie
You've claimed all this time that you would die for me
Why then are you so surprised when you hear your own eulogy?
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
Come down
Get off your fucking cross
We need the fuckinh space to nail the next fool martyr
To ascend you must die
You must be crucified
For our sins and our lies
Jelle Veenstra thanks bro
he needed this.. 20+ years later. you get no like.
I want more of this from tool!
"Not all martyrs see divinity, but atleast you tried."
Tool has more lyrics in one song than new "artists" in their whole career
This band is something else, man.
They are all the else things
This band is Everything else
Best thing for your head in a world gone mad... They pick up where Floyd didn’t go.
A harder art rock
RevenantRoad Records you are
As a 60 yr old, I grew up with good rock and roll. Especially enjoyed the progressive bands like Rush, Crack the Sky, Jethro Tull, Alex Harvey, etc. I had given up on ever hearing anything that takes me far away like that again. Then my kids were teenagers, and all of s sudden I had some new music to check out. I enjoyed all the Seattle scene--it was a huge breather from all the reverb-on-everhing/drum machined 80's disco horseshit of that era. Then one day my 15 yr old daughter says "Dad, you will Really like this band.Listen" So i did. I liked. This band eventually changed my life--the lyrics had me reading & digging into al kinds of esoteric stuff, the insane technical prowess of Adam and Justin are one step beyond. I'm a working drummer but things Dany does never even crossed my mind--the BEST I've ever heard. So I went to see them when they played in my city. I was not disappointed. They have the best visuals of any band-And I've seen a ton of them. Their crew is just as talented as they are. I could never say anything bad about this band. Buy their records and Merch==I'm wearing my Laterelus shirt right now. Take the time to listen, then go see them when you can. Long live Tool.
...would you consider Danny a student of neil peart? The drum lord?
I'll be 50 this year,,and I still listen to stuff I did in my late teen and early 20s....wish my kids had the same taste in music💁🏼♂️
@@marccram2664 I'm a drummer, and would absolutely say YES. Danny had Neil Pearts respect, and that's a HUGE statement. Neil was also a big fan of Stewart Copeland ( Police ). Listen to the Rush album Hold Your Fire
@@mikefields4136 of course stew was Neil's fav...damn were their ages close to each others?
Totally relate
I actually had to write a eulogy today... And it was one of the hardest things ive ever done. I learned what it meant. I could speak for hours about my lost friend. But distilling their essence into only so many words broke me. It's hard to write on wet paper.
My friend wanted this to be her eulogy.. long before she died. How messed up is that?
@@ellyanna3757tool fans get it tho ❤rip
Sorry you went through that but I'm glad your friend had someone who cared enough to write a eulogy.
Same. I don't even get butt hurt anymore. Like, nah bro take all my sh*t😎
This whole record is the essence of ugly/beauty in Tool. Right between the spitting rage of Opiate/Undertow and the introspective discipline of Lateralus/10,000 Days you get Aenima. Pure magic
Aniket Sanyal 10000 days is trash
@@adahbombdon1512 How is it trash?
@@adahbombdon1512 for me it's not their best work, but I don't consider it trash. It's up there with the other albuns , just a little step down.
@@valentinom.4292 Poured water on it by accident. It won't play anymore
@@adahbombdon1512 you're trash
I’m a 57 year old kindergarten teacher in the Albanian countryside. RIP to all those warrior tool fans who never got to experience this moment.
Kladji is that you?
My favorite TOOL song. Future me if you're reading this, you must be still listening to this song. So you haven't turned into a prude. Keep going buddy!
If not ... we'll miss him.
My wife and I call this "our" song.
I think this is my favorite too..
Top 3 after parabol/a and Lat
Definitely one of the most underrated pieces of art they’ve produced.
This is one of the most perfect albums ever conceived!
I agree. And the album is aging nicely, imo.
Been listening for probably 18 years, I've gone years at a time with no Tool and APC but I will always come back to them.
@@HipHopAn0n mee too I started my tool career in 1999 when I was 14
I am from india and i discovered tool in this year and imma gonna bang all the way now. Wish i'd known earlier
Absolutely agree
TOOL is something to behold. People should consider themselves lucky to have such artists around in their time. Like Beethoven of our time. The genius behind their creativity is just wild.
Hello, I'm from Spain, sorry because my English is very poor, but I always said the same that you are have written. This band is comparable to Mozart beethoven etc, they are four musicians and genious. Tool, great band for ever I could heard
@@isabelbellidocadena6055no need to apologize. It may be wrong, but I could understand you very well, Tool is fantastic, one of my favorites.
I was so happy to have seen them again on the Fear Inoculum tour this past November. It was quite an experience!
@@isabelbellidocadena6055 Seville may be my favorite city on earth!
@isabelbellidocadenaw6055 We speak the same language. No worries, we understand.
That guitar riff at 6:01 comes in like a sledgehammer, gets me every time.
Same! But my favorite one is of 3:12
It's so raw!! I still can't explain how it makes me feel.
Would you die for me?
@@minatoarisatofrompersona3440 DON'T YOU FUCKING LIE!
Uhmm and the whole time im s alive
Everything Maynard touches is gold.
Tool's songs are so long you have to check your schedule before hitting play.
Nah. When you play Tool, time is just their abstract plaything.
Literally me. lol
(checks song, almost nine mins)
Me: oh this is a short one!
@@SuperSparrow45 "when you play Tool"
Holy crap your time is so valuable
Maynard has such a unique effect to his voice that I can only describe as water bubbling up exactly at the rim of a vessel. So pent up with angst and anger and yet contained somehow.
He brought to vocals what Allan Holdsworth brought to guitar. Controlled fury.
As a 17 year old I love scrolling through the comments and seeing a bunch of people from two generations before me worship an amazing band from before my time. Most people nowadays have long forgotten tool but I’m glad to see there’s a part of that generation who still holds tight to real music. If only people still knew it’s value.
19, favorite band by far
As one of the last members of Generation X that grew up on all forms of music, I must say that hearing this warms my heart.
61, here. I am the same age as Danny Carey, we were born in the same month, and year. Glad to see teens loving them! Oh, and Tool isn't "before your time," they are still making albums, and touring. Admittedly, there was a 13 year gap in there, but they finally published "Fear Inoculum" in 2019...oh, and Maynard is a prophet. He writes lyrics, and uses album art, that predicts the future. ✌️😁
You should check out some of Maynard's other bands. A Perfect Circle, and Puscifer. Puscifer is touring now!
Tool will never be forgotten, imagine listening to this album in 1998 as a young girl in a small city in Mexico.... it blew my mind and I happily have never recovered from that.
I love seeing a younger generation get into Tool. Fuck yea warms this old heart
I owe Tool an apology, Fear Inoculum brought me here. Wasn't much into them before I heard that album. Now I'm going back and listening to their older music and I'm not disappointed.......
spread the word
Same pinch buddy 💯
Inoculum is a far cry of ænima...but glad you saw the light
That is great.
Better late than never!
"Tim what's your favorite Tool song"
Tim : Yes
all tool songs are equal but some are more equal than others
All are great.
Fish1 yes
@@hector.v1llalpando .. Yes
He had a lot to say.
He had a lot of nothing to say.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.
He had a lot to say.
He had a lot of nothing to say.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.
We're gonna miss him.
We're gonna miss him.
Yeah, so long.
We wish you well.
Told us how you weren't afraid to die.
Well, so long.
Don't cry, yeah,
Or feel too down.
Not all martyrs see divinity.
But at least you tried.
Standing above the crowd,
He had a voice that was strong and loud.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.
Ranting and pointing his finger
At everything but his heart.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.
We're gonna miss him.
We're gonna miss him.
Yeah, no way, yeah, to recall
What it was that you had said to me,
Like I care at all.
But it was so loud.
You sure could yell.
Took a stand on every little thing
And so loud.
You could be the one who saves me from my own existence
Warn while some child might chill, nine-one-two
I'm too smart when you're invisible by the bone symbol on you. So he bashes his skull through the window while looking out to the sea. Like torment of my ego. And we're amused by this
Yeah, standing above the crowd,
He had a voice that was strong and loud and I
Swallowed his facade 'cause I'm so eager to identify with
Someone above the ground,
Someone who seemed to feel the same,
Someone prepared to lead the way,
And someone who would die for me.
Will you? Will you now?
Would you die for me?
Don't you fucking lie.
Don't you step out of line.
Don't you step out of line.
Don't you step out of line.
Don't you fucking lie.
You claimed all this time that you would die for me.
Why then are you so surprised when you hear your own eulogy?
He had a lot to say.
He had a lot of nothing to say.
He had a lot to say.
He had a lot of nothing to say.
Come down.
Get off your fucking cross.
We need the fucking space to nail the next fool martyr.
To ascend you must die.
You must be crucified
For our sins and our lies.
"You could be the one who saves me from my own existence
Warn while some child might chill, nine-one-two
I'm too smart when you're invisible by the bone symbol on you. So he bashes his skull through the window while looking out to the sea. Like torment of my ego. And we're amused by this"
this was the part i was looking. Thanks a lot!!
Thank you!! Holy shit, these are pissed.
NES religious b.s.
I always thought it was “you could be the one who saves me from my own decisions
In need of an Orange Martyr...
Warning: You will become obsessed with this band once you listen to any song. Good luck to everyone on this journey of life.
nah fr. i discovered wings 2 n assumed it was their only one like that, then discovered Forty Six & 2 a few years later and now it's consumed my life 🤣
Completely agree with you
its the greatest journey ever i enjoy every moment of it
Tool ! Drug !
Fucking Brownies and Tool is a match made in Heaven like fuuuuucck
New fans, welcome. Old fans, long time no see. ♡
This band means the world to me
RIP Scott \m/
Scott, your stuff is epic too.
"WE"(tool fans) ARE BACK!!!
This album got me through a lot growing up.
So why do you ended up having crippling depression?
2 you can too get a life 😁
@@streamerby_theway3985 ?
This album got me through my first divorce🤣
@Telios Abraxas actually, he said that he has crippling depression on another comment so yeah, but i see your point none the less
I love every single album. From 7empest to Prison Sex, I love it all.
Those aren't albums dumbass
@@braydenstith2977 omegalul
So you don't like the Opiate EP or Intolerance?
Hahah. Prison Sex is Undertow's first song. and 7empest is Fear İnoculum's last. Dumbass.
So he didnt say anything wrong.
But, he has to listen Opiate.
I played this on an empty glass at a bar one night with a knife to get the bartenders attention. He said I love Tool. We’ve been friends ever since.
What a shitty TarBender \m/
They used to have jukeboxes in bars for that. When I put this whole CD on, my father-in-law would crank the volume up for me.
1 of the best stress relief albums ever created! 🧿
It is truly.
He had a voice strong and loud we'll miss him
rip big man
gone but not forgotten
bill was a legend
I don't mean to be a downer, but in the context of the song that's insulting him. Unless I'm missing something and you wanted to be sarcastic.
@@patrickhannen4832 the song is about "L. Ron Hubbard" a person they enjoy making fun of, but lines up with the death of bill hicks thus the song was dedicated to him. so yes the song is saying fuck L. Ron Hubbard, but filled with grief for a close friend of the band whom passed.
@Spiritual warrior It's a line in the song. Jesus
As a bass player I may say that Justin Chancellor is a freaking genius. All of them are aliens, I love them and respect them all equally. All of them are the best they can be, that's why tool is tool.Each one of them add something perfect to their music, as it is. Bass lines are fun to play as hell, indeed, thats the reason right now Im listening to this video. JUst playing my bass on top of the track over and over again.
I was worried after I heard Paul left after Undertow. Then this can out. I instantly knew Justin was more than up to the task. Imagine the pressure he was under at first
This album is Tool's magnum opus. They are all great, but this one is special. I LOVE the part where it's just Danny's drums and Maynard's vocals "You claimed all this time that you would die for me..."
Nah. Lateralus my friend. Parabola is the way.
Ranting and pointing his finger at everything but his heart, we'll miss him.
We’re gonna miss him
We're gonna miss him@@keychain2115
Every time I listen to a tool song again, even for the thousandth time, I hear another little detail, another facet. Another little piece. Twenty something years later. With the regard i have for Tool, my favourite band, I have an inverse amount of regard for musicians who care so little about their output. Thank you Tool for blowing me away for so fucking long🤘
Led Zeppelin does that to me too.
Every listen m8
I feel the same way about Type O Negative.
This song is epic but 6:35 just blows my mind. Genius.
Good byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeee!!!🤭🤭🤭
I think that part solely turns it from a good Tool song to one of the best for me
"Would you die for me?"
Only Jesus did; he didn't want to, but knew he had to.
"Don't you fucking lie."
Regular musicians can't, even, comprehend this... Now you see...
This was one of my daughter's dad's favorite albums. We held his memorial day before yesterday. RIP, Rod.💔
We are gonna miss him
@@nikolatesla8579 I don't know how to feel about your comment
sorry for your loss.daddy has great taste
never met your daughter's dad...we would have been really tight otherwise. bless
Still sends chills down the spine. Maynard had a lot to say back then, indeed
yeah, a lot of nothing to say
We'll miss him
Average Joe you may live through your shitty life tomorrow
He still has, moron, don't ignore the evidence...
The band that got a lot of us through our 20's in the 2000s in SoFlo. If you were there, you know what I'm talking about. Love to the MTV generation and older Millenniums. We are alive today unlike our friends and too many. RIP. To the last generation that had music as our therapy.
Survive brother 💪🏼
This comment took some serious courage to write, and you should be proud of yourself for doing so. I got a bit of a lump in my throat when I read it because it resonated so powerfully. Thank you for your post.
I remember I was first introduced to Tool when I was on a roadtrip with my parents between Colorado and Missouri when I was 12. I woke up at 2 am in the backseat to the intro to this song in pitch-black Kansas, couldn’t see anything. My dad had put it on.
I’ve been in love ever since.
I am a drummer and I think this is just insanely good
Danny Carey Is a God in the drumming world!
Danny Carey is the greatest Percussionist on the planet! He can keep 2 different beats going with right and left hands, and his feet, and he uses way more than drums. Check out videos on here of Danny's "Pneuma" live performance. It'll blow your mind!
A link, to marvel at Danny's exceptional skills:видео.html
Danny is the greatest living innovative!
i’m a drug addict and i know it is.
I remember seeing the tour for this album, I was so lucky my dad loved Tool, and going to concerts.
I want to love a woman like you.
my 16 yr old son and I went to San Diego Jan 10 -- best concert ever...because of who I went with, of course!!
Last time I saw Tool--'96 Glass Door (pomona, ca) "warm-up" show for Undertow. I, too, am blessed!
Absolutely Tool & Melvins opened slow ever
I saw the late tour for Aenima somewhere between 99-00, then saw them as soon as Lateralus came out (both in Philadelphia). Most intense shows of all time. when 10,000 days came out, they played in Camden NJ. So no name bands and we promptly booed them off stage. Immediately as they departed a late summer thunderstorm rolled through. Just as the rain ended (mind you, I sat out in the field absorbing every drop), Tool came on and opens with Vicarious. Never was the same again after that show, and I've compared every show before or since to this perfect live performance.
2024 still love tool as much as I did in the 90s anyone else?
54 years old here, my son in law is a metal drummer heavily influenced by Danny Carey and my minor grandson plays keyboard like Rick Wright of Pink Floyd. My mission on earth is complete
Yes! I remember the first time I heard Tool. I was stoned in the back of my friend's car. I'm 44 now. Almost 30 years ago!
From Madrid, Spain...YES
45 now and I still love Tool. One of my favorites. Now I have the pleasure of introducing my teenage son getting into metal to this amazing band.
Tool is one of those bands that people will probably just begin to fully appreciate 100yrs from now. So much put into the music
Eulogy is one of Tool's masterpieces, and they've got others, a cult band with no equal
Porcupine Tree. Check them out.
@@justletmepostthis276 Thanks, this band is not bad but incomparable with Tool ;) Not the same musical intensity, linear vocals... in short, we're not in the same league.
@@r4mr4m If you say so, LOL.
@@justletmepostthis276 we Said... The succes said.... Porcupine tree is an icon band for million people ? ..... You have thé answer. But it's a good band
From 5:08 till then end is some of tool's best work. That bass line gets me every time
@@kevingraf7080 Agreed.
bass in this song is super fun, and punchy
My favourite song. Not just favourite Tool song. Legit favourite song out of every song ever made.
My brother died of an accidental overdose just over a year ago now 💔 my heart breaks a little more each day. I MISS HIM SO FUCKING MUCH. He introduced me to Tool, A Perfect Circle, and Puscifer and I was an instant fan. This was one of his favorite songs so I listen to it every day...I MISS HIM
Un Abrazo amigo
I'm sorry for your loss, truly. Tool helped me so much when my husband died.
Bro nobody gives a fuck about your brother.
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
We're gonna miss him
We're gonna miss him
So long
We wish you well
You told us how you weren't afraid to die
Well, so long
Don't cry
Or feel too down
Not all martyrs see divinity
But at least you tried
Standing above the crowd
He had a voice that was strong and loud
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
Ranting and pointing his finger
At everything but his heart
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
We're gonna miss him
We're gonna miss him
No way to recall
What it was that you had said to me?
Like I care at all
But it was so loud
You sure could yell
You took a stand on every little thing
And so loud
You could be the one who saves me from my own existence
Warn while some child might chill, nine-one-two
I'm too smart when you're invisible by the bone symbol on you
So he bashes his skull through the window while looking out to the sea
Like torment of my ego
And we're amused by this
Yeah, standing above the crowd
He had a voice that was strong and loud and I
Swallowed his facade 'cause I'm so
Eager to identify with
Someone above the ground
Someone who seemed to feel the same
Someone prepared to lead the way
And someone who would die for me
Will you?
Will you now?
Would you die for me?
Don't you fuckin' lie
Don't you step out of line
Don't you step out of line
Don't you step out of line
Don't you fuckin' lie
You've claimed all this time that you would die for me
Why then are you so surprised when you hear your own eulogy?
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
Come down
Get off your fucking cross
We need the fucking space to nail the next fool martyr
To ascend you must die
You must be crucified
For our sins and our lies
bill hicks was calling it out.
5:22 I’ve been listening to this song for years and I never noticed the lyrics at that point 🤯
Thank you
Thank you!
Is he talking about Jesus tho?
You don't listen to Tool, you absorb it into your brain, and you can't ever start a Tool song without listening to all of it you will miss the best part no matter what song, the best part is always in there!!
Vicarious and Eulogy are my favorite songs of all time, and now they are finally on RUclips legally!!! I am so happy!!!
The holy Trinity is great tool too
My uncle just passed away and this song has been very comforting to me. That may seem odd, but there’s something about the emotion and progression of the song that makes me feel better. My uncle and I were fairly close, but not as close as we could have been. He was always quiet, but he had a great smile and was never afraid to tell a really corny joke. I hope he’s resting easy now.
I’m gonna miss him.
my condolenses
Start 2:05
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
We're gonna miss him
We're gonna miss him
So long
We wish you well
You told us how you weren't afraid to die
Well, so long
Don't cry
Or feel too down
Not all martyrs see divinity
But at least you tried
Standing above the crowd
He had a voice that was strong and loud
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
Ranting and pointing his finger
At everything but his heart
We'll miss him
We'll miss him
We're gonna miss him
We're gonna miss him
No way to recall
What it was that you had said to me?
Like I care at all
But it was so loud
You sure could yell
You took a stand on every little thing
And so loud
You could be the one who saves me from my own existence
Warn while some child might chill, nine-one-two
I'm too smart when you're invisible by the bone symbol on you
So he bashes his skull through the window while looking out to the sea
Like torment of my ego
And we're amused by this
Yeah, standing above the crowd
He had a voice that was strong and loud and I
Swallowed his facade 'cause I'm so
Eager to identify with
Someone above the ground
Someone who seemed to feel the same
Someone prepared to lead the way
And someone who would die for me
Will you?
Will you now?
Would you die for me?
Don't you fuckin' lie
Don't you step out of line
Don't you step out of line
Don't you step out of line
Don't you fuckin' lie
You've claimed all this time that you would die for me
Why then are you so surprised when you hear your own eulogy?
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
He had a lot to say
He had a lot of nothing to say
Come down
Get off your fucking cross
We need the fucking space to nail the next fool martyr
To ascend you must die
You must be crucified
For our sins and our lies
Tools music is so deep and intelligent that the more you listen to it the better it gets into your mind..expands it..wraps around your inner being and stays with you forever..
Matrix Glitch I spent a whole afternoon listening to this whole album
Ok Shakespeare
I've, personally, watched it teach the stupid. Vaxx=ADE
I just like the guitar
That’s the best part about Tool. The music gets better and better with each listen.
After all these (60) trips around the Sun, THIS is my absolute favorite band. Give this one a thumbs up if you agree. If you don't, you know nothing about musical genius.
Pink Floyd was pretty special as well
@@davewatson9507 Pink Floyd was my all time favorite - until, I heard Tool. 🎯
@@davewatson9507 they'll kinda similar
When I was a youth, I believed that listening to tool could make you smarter.
Iron Maiden too
You were right...
You can't fix stupid.
Very astute observation.
That's because it should.
A kid I rode the bus with first turned me on to this album/band. I fell in love with it and found out a couple years later that that kid died in a car accident. By the time I had heard that news I couldn't even remember his name. This song hits hard for me 🤘🤘
:( I’m sorry
I'm A Tool fanz since 90s....until the end of the world
Till the end ....
This is my favourite Danny Carey song. Definitely not his trickiest or most complex, but he's so locked in with the rhythm of the song, and he weaves in and out masterfully, with impeccable groove and power. This is how you both support and add to a song as a drummer, without trying to show off. Lovely stuff.
I feel the same way about Adam Jones's guitar solo here. It might be simple, but those building harmonics in response to Maynard's " fool martyr!" gives me the chills every time. I always felt like Adam and Maynard (really the whole band) are playing 'set-spike' w/ each other all throughout this song up to the very end w/ Danny's 'solo' break setting up Maynard who sets up Adam for his solo which sets up Maynard again for the final spike: "Good-byyyyyyeeee!!!!" Total f-in masterpiece among an album of masterpieces!
This is my favorite tool song bc that groove is amazing. I love when the groove gets faster and polymetricrally separated from the band
Words could never ever describe my love for TOOL
This band will never go out of style because they created their own style and every generation that discovers this music loves it
Umm I don't know bout you but I hear a lot of Scandinavian bands influence in here
6:35 this part is just... Insanely beautiful
Everything in this song is beautiful!
"Don't worry, don't be afraid-ever. Because it's just a ride. And we can choose to get off at anytime"- Bill Hicks 💚
Lovin' Tool music. I'm officially a fan.
If you don’t you will die tomorrow
And a perfect circle
@P Mc thathoof don't fit no limb
Better late than never.
Has to be one of the best songs of all time
This is the first Tool song that made me realize what they're about.
thanks. man with two eyes. needed information haha
Silly man, you have 3 eyes
i count one more y needed
Your calculations match mine, exactly!!!
good byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye
2000 years from now they will be calling TOOL "Our saviour Maynard and the three apostles"
I scrolled down pretty far and didn't see one comment about the subject of the song.. so this one's for you Bill. You sure were loud. And you changed my life and opened my eyes too. Bill Hicks gone, but certainly never ever forgotten 💔видео.html
this is about Bill Hicks?!???!?! i thought his hatred towards Jesus!!!!!
Bill Hicks has long been a hero of mine, and it was his quotation on this album ("today a young man on acid...") that originally led me to him (sadly, after he died). Not trying to be a dick but that doesn't make sense. Hicks had anything but "nothing" to say, never claimed he'd die for anyone, and he wasn't a martyr. Admittedly, he could be loud, and some of his last performances indicated he had shed his fear to die and wanted to share his ultimate philosophical epiphanies, as he knew very well that his time was short due to cancer.
Tool can be pretty complex but I'm nearly certain this is about toxic evangelical preachers like Fred Phelps, David Koresh or Jim Jones which were still hot topics when this was released, most of whom would have happily claimed to die for their followers so long as those followers obeyed without question. Hicks would have *hated* that shit.
@@therese1356 I tend to think of it as of it’s from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd points of view. With Bill allegorically being one of the men on the cross. It’s RocknRoll too after all. So, there’s your scapegoat thingy. But, generally it sounds like it’s coming from the narrative of the guy on Jesus’ left but he’s right in this instance🎡
There is no way this song is about Bill Hicks. The song is very critical of its subject, and it's clear that Maynard and the rest of the band respected Hicks.
Growing up my parents were holy rollers...i swear my dad broke every tool cassette i owned never stopped me from listening. Just get another . Now my dad figured out how amazing this band is. Loves them. Thanks to me never giving up.
You brought your dad up well.
I hear you but the artist must be able to get something from allowing their work to be streamed. for free. Don't want ads then buy the material
use an adblocker.....
I already own this album, but WHY would they put an ad right in the middle of it? There are other options for ads once you upload any kind of video, but they decided to use the worst one. And I don't use an ad block because I actually like to support content creators, I just don't like it when my favorite bands music gets interrupted by a video ad that doesn't need to be there
Benan Content uploaders dont always determine the placement of ads. RUclips ultimately can cOntrol where they place them.
Especially if you own all of the albums.
What a powerful message from a truly different band No one sounds like this. That’s why we we love this band
What exactly is the message?
@@ryno4ever433 he was not afraid to die
@@ryno4ever433 idolatry basically.
@@ryno4ever433 a take on the foolishness of being a martyr basically
That’s why they are, well
Progressive Metal is so good, so underrated. Tool really brings this out, and Eulogy is my favorite song from Tool.
This whole song is really a masterpiece in ways words
Can’t describe!! The way TOOL constructed and created this song is pure musical Guinness!!
But saying something is indescribable is a description!
He surely said Guinness for the beer !
Mean that you can eat and drink with this song :p
@Telios Abraxas Yeah Guinness was a typo. I just thought I'd point out the irony of describing something as indescribable.
@Andrew Reed et al...proving this to be a platform for idiots to also be relevant. bravo
@@marcusrosales3344 So there is nothing that cannot be described in this universe?
This song really makes me actually feel something .
That's Deep Man!
My head was still bobbing from the end of "Fear Inoculum" when this song began to the EXACT same tempo.
Every few years I remember how much I love Tool. It's hard for me to listen to a song and not the album. Not after you know what it feels like to get the whole thing in one shot.
90s rock, changed my life, so so good
This was made in the year 2042 - what are you talking about?
Spending my Sunday listening to all the Tool songs now on RUclips. Celebration!
I’m mean they’ve always been on RUclips
Let’s be real. If tool is plugged in it’s the best song you’ll hear all day! The layers of this band never end, live or recorded. Consider yourself blessed
I love the panning in this song. Guitars go from single tracked to barely panned, out to double tracked and hard panned. Makes it super dynamic.
This is hands down one of the greatest songs of all-time. Prove me wrong....
The proof is in the pudding.
I couldn't, even if i wanted to.
You simply aren't wrong!
*learning to live,voices,change of seasons,divine wings of tragedy...
He should.
So good, and Maynard has a damn amazing voice, that "goodbye" at the end....
You should watch him sing "3 Libras" live on the Late show with A Perfect Circle... Holy schmokes... Breath freakin taking....
65 and loving tool
Sick boss
46 and loving 2
Clever, 46 and2
62 and still running hard to Tool and SOD.
Funny, the opposite comment to "13 and loving The Beatles"
I'm 50 and I've been listening to Tool for over 30 years! The first and second albums I listen to all the time don't seem to age, like me!
Had a friend commit suicide about four years ago. It ate me alive for multiple years. This song really helped turn that guilt & sadness into anger then eventually into not feeling any way about it at all. After all, I'm the one here, and he chose not to be.
That sucks man. Sorry.
Survivors guilt is real. Had a coworker commit suicide last week.
Still wondering if there was 1 thing someone could have said differently to stop it.
Unfortunately we dont know.
All we can do is keep going and look out for each other .
Sorry for your loss brothers, so much suicide. A girl I loved killed herself this year
You sound like a shitty friend
@@Andrew-fv4sj How so, because I am still the one here? Trust me I've been through all the emotions and thoughts on the matter. He is the shitty friend in my opinion.
@@dylancrawley4490 don't listen to him. He doesn't know you. He's just trying to be an asshole.
Saw Tool 4 times in the 90s and 8 times after 2000. Still loving them!
This song embodies the essence of TOOL.
Thanks to my brother, he introduced me to Tool in the 90s. And this was the album he had me listen to. My brother is still a hardcore tool fan even to this day. 🤘🏻🖤
When you've listened to this song so much that you've been localized and can predict the next 10 seconds of the song.
Hands down My favorite TOOL SONG ☝🏻🤘🏻👊🏻🤘🏻
Can't help but think this is the perfect song to send off dear leader🤣
Fuck that guy.
Man I'm blessed to say I remember buying this on CD right when CD was new and I listened to it on my portable CD player on the bus to school...skipping the whole way (see the youngins will literally think I was skipping to school 😝😝). RIP the good old days...
This is Tools best song in my opinion.
I’m actually thinking this is one of their weaker albums but this is an elite tier masterpiece from them. I also love aenima, pushit, 46&2 and third eye
Was wearing my undertow shirt at the beach and a couple of 15 year old walked past me and said “ sick shirt ! Have you seen them live ? ….. I have !”
I was like “ yeah mate awesome ! Rock on !”
I’m 43 and saw tool for the first time 25 years ago and to have a couple of kids say that I was sooo happy !
Yes. Rock on
If the musical passage at 5:07 hasn’t launched you into an alternate reality, it’s a sign that you’ve yet to fully immerse yourself in the profound depths of TOOL’s music. This band possesses an unparalleled ability to craft soundscapes that transcend the ordinary, taking listeners on a journey through different states of consciousness with every track. Their sound isn’t just music; it’s a visceral experience - an intricate layering of rhythms, harmonics and time signatures that create a sonic landscape so immersive, it’s almost otherworldly.
But it’s not just the complexity of the music that captivates; it’s also the lyrical depth that accompanies it. TOOL’s lyrics explore existential themes, delving into the human psyche, spirituality and maybe even the mysteries of the universe. The words weave together with the music, creating a meditative experience that demands introspection. Listening to TOOL isn’t merely a passive activity - it’s a spiritual journey, one that invites you to confront the deeper aspects of yourself and the world around you.
And, by the time a song fully envelops you, it becomes clear that TOOL’s music isn’t just a collection of notes and words - it’s a vehicle for transcendence. Each track serves as a portal to a higher state of awareness, pushing boundaries and challenging conventional perceptions of reality. What fascinates me most about TOOL is how they’ve mastered this delicate interplay between chaos and precision, creating a sonic universe that feels boundless, yet meticulously crafted. The experience they offer is more than unique; it’s a rare fusion of art, philosophy, and spirituality that few can emulate. (3/10/2024)
They don't allow smoking on airplanes,. But they allow children.. lol
: Bill Hicks
Jason Stanley It’s just a ride...
Huh?? Nut!
I dont really understand, what is thevpoint of the comment